Rectober #6: A Few HP Drizzle Recs

Oct 07, 2015 10:00

Reveals just went up at hp-drizzle, and since it's rectober and all, I figured I'd post a few quick recs. I only picked a couple of my very favorites, but there were 40 submissions this year with all sorts of pairings, so I definitely recommend checking out the masterlist for more! :D

Title: The lightning strike
Artist: butterflutters
Pairing(s): Charlie/Draco
Art Medium: Watercolors
Rating: G
Content/Warnings: hp drizzle 2015, *my prompt
Summary: Draco experiences a bit of unexpected magic on a stormy night with Charlie Weasley
Super gorgeous artwork! I love the coloring here- everything from the exquisite sky, to Charlie and Draco's complexions. Really wonderfully different take on Charlie, and I am adoring the dragon and lightning in the background.

Title: Spectres in the Fog
Author: darkravenwrote
Pairing: Harry/Draco - if you squint and think of future things.
Word Count: 1,200
Rating: PG
Content/Warnings: hp drizzle 2015, *my prompt
Summary: Harry knows it is Malfoy curled up at the base of the tree in the same way that he knows he will not be walking out of this forest. They are spectres in this fog together while the world outside waits for them.
Short, poignant, beautifully written ficlet showing a "missing" scene from the end of Deathly Hallows. Love how the fog is incorporated, and the whole thing is just gorgeous.

Title: In the Arms of the Ocean
Author: writcraft
Pairings: James/Sirius
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~2,200
Content/Warnings: Major Character Death, azkaban!fic, Mindfuck, hp drizzle 2015
Summary: I wake to the cool light of the breaking dawn, the air fresh with the scent of rain. It’s another autumn daybreak and the windows frost with raindrops and condensation. I can smell grass, the dewy chill of the morning and James.
This fic is gorgeous. The writing is amazing, and I just love Sirius here, the way he sees James, his love and guilt and fear that manage to come through so beautifully in his memories and fantasies. And the last line is perfection.

pairing type: slash, rec: fic, rec: art, challenge: rectober, era: marauders, fandom: harry potter, pairing: james/sirius, pairing: draco/harry, pairing: charlie/draco, fest: hp_drizzle

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