Harry Potter Next Gen Recs

Jun 12, 2013 09:21

These are my Harry Potter Recs where the main pairing is from the kids generation.

In the Warnings section of each entry I have different tags, so if you are looking for something specific (like "voyeurism" for example) just ctrl+f and enter your tag and it should highlight the relevant entries!

♥ = favorite

updated July 31, 2017

[James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin]James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin

Title: I Know
Author: iamisaac
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Word Count: 1,200
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!james, light bondage, light D/s, Auror!Teddy, bbtp 2016
Summary: Teddy is going to make him beg.
Oh, this is a gorgeous bit of smutty fun. Loved toppy Teddy taking down James after a Quidditch match, and their relationship was lovely.

Title: Dodgy Potions
Author: leashy_bebes
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Word Count: 1,200
Warnings: willingly taken mind altering substance: potion, bottom!james, POV: second person
Summary: James wants Teddy to take a potion.
So very hot, love James just wanting to please Teddy.

Title: Sex, Interrupted
Author: llaeyro
Pairing(s): James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~1,400
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!james, dirty talk, *my prompt, Anywhere But the Bed Comment Fest 2017
Summary: For the prompt: Sneaking off during a family gathering to hook up in their parent's bedroom
Eee, this is so much sexy fun! Adore the playful relationship between these two and almost getting caught/getting caught is totally my jam.

Title: Fuck-Up
Author: gryffindorj
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 1,684
Content/Warnings: established relationship, spanking
Summary: Teddy's clothing annoys James.
Super hot spanking fic, pretty much. Loved this sort of bratty James, and Teddy is yummy as always.

Title: Take It From Here
Author: iamisaac
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,000
Content/Warnings: semi-public sex, dirty talk, established relationship, desk!sex, partially clothed sex, office!sex, auror!james, healer!teddy, bottom!james, daily-deviant banging birthday 2016, *for me
Summary: James just can't help himself when he's around Teddy.
I love everything about this fic! The dyanmic between James and Teddy is crazy hot, and I love the little glimpses of their relationship. So many of my kinks in this one, it's amazing!

Title: Lost For You
Author: gryffindorj
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 2,200
Summary: They're supposed to be messing around, nothing else, but Teddy's in love with James
Sweet and sexy and brilliant.

Title: Festive Errands
Author: leashy_bebes
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,200
Content/Warnings: established relationship, holiday!fic
Summary: A stolen moment in the run-up to Christmas.
Such sweet and sexy fic! Love the little glimpses of Teddy and James's relationship, and the stolen blow job was insanely hot.

Title: Cards on the Table
Author: eprime
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 2,779
Content/Warnings: holiday!fic, dirty talk, bottom!james
Summary: James makes an unexpected announcement at a family Christmas dinner.
Hot sex and some of the hottest dialogue ever.

Title: It Happened One Night
Author: torino10154
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: James Sirius/Teddy, Harry/James Jr. + off-screen Harry/Teddy, Al/Scorpius, Al/Draco, Draco/Scorpius + implied Ginny/Lily Luna and possibly Harry/Draco
Word Count: ~3,100
Warnings: Er, yeah, lots of them. Crack for a start, incest, chan (15-17), oral, anal, bottom!james, implied bottom!teddy, implied bottom!albus, delayed orgasm, docking, rimming, graphic sex between Teddy/James Sirius and James Sirius/Harry
Summary: Everybody's sleeping with each other.
Normally not a huge fan of crack or incest between Harry and his sons, but this is weirdly hot!

Title: Stripped
Author: gryffindorj
Pairing(s): James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3,300
Content/Warnings: rimming, hung!teddy, dirty talk, bottom!james
Summary: Being the oldest child makes James Lord of All. At least in his head it does.
This fic is fantastic! I adored James's bratty, somewhat cocky personality in this one, and his interactions with his sibling and with Teddy were all wonderful. The whole thing was great, and super hot!

Title: Talk to Me
Author: RuinsPlume
Pairing(s): James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,927
Content/Warnings: established relationship, face-fucking, light D/s, dirty talk, hp-kinkfest 2017
Summary: James can’t get the words out. But Teddy can.
Eeek, this was so gloriously hot! Dirty talk is pretty much a bullet-proof kink for me, and I loved it here, particularly combined with the other kinks. The glimpses we get of Teddy and James's relationship are really lovely, and the whole thing was just a really sexy read.

♥ Title: On the Other Side of the Mirror
Author: leashy_bebes
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): James Sirius/Teddy
Word Count: ~4,500
Warnings: Anonymous exhibitionism/voyeurism, spanking, bottom!james hp-kinkfest 2013
Summary: Al wasn't expecting this, but he certainly isn't leaving once he sees.
This fic turned me onto the James/Teddy pairing. Just so ridiculously hot and I love Al's observations.

♥ Title: Flying Colours
Author: hollys_tree
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): James Sirius/Teddy
Word Count: ~4,500
Notes: bottom!james
Summary: James has new flat, a bunch of old newspapers and a huge selection of painting colours. Now, if only he could get Teddy as well, the night would be just perfect.
Love the characterizations here and the sex is super hot.

Title: Coming Clean
Author: anise_anise
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 4,633
Notes: bottom!james, merry smutmas 2007
Warnings: Porn. Porn. Oh, and porn. And maybe some rimming thrown in as well, just for kicks.
Summary: Teddy thinks it's time that James fesses up to his parents, but it might take a bit of persuasion on his part.
Just so hot.

Title: On Holiday
Author: mysecretashes
Pairing(s): James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~4,700
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!james, rimming, healer!teddy, outdoor!sex
Summary: Teddy and James are both overworked and exhausted, and it's beginning to take a toll on their relationship. When they both get a long weekend off, they take advantage of it.
Really lovely and sexy fic with Teddy and James reconnecting after their busy jobs keep them from spending quality time together.

Title: Room 43
Author: gryffindorj
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Word Count: ~5,100
Content/Notes: established relationship, rimming, bottom!james, implied felching
Summary: Everyone wants James but James only wants Teddy. There's one small problem. (Teddy would say the problem isn't small at all. But now I've gone and made it sound like Teddy has a small dick. I assure you that's not the problem but that doesn't make it any
This fic is so much of what I love in this pairing. The opening scene is crazy hot with Teddy's desperate need for James after a month apart. Their sexual connection is so evident and filthily fantastic, but it's the adoration behind their interactions and their sweet desire to just be all tangled up together that makes everything so much hotter.

♥ Title: The Feel of It
Author: mindabbles
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: oral sex, first time (for James) anal sex, a teeny, tiny hint of rimming, Edible aphrodisiacs, hyphephilia, bottom!james
Word Count: 5,900
Summary: In his fantasies Teddy always tumbles him forcefully onto the soft, cool surface of the sofa, biting at his neck and grinding his hard cock between James' spread legs.
Super hot sex with the right amount of kinkiness. ;)

Title: What Seventeen Means
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: bottom!james
Word Count: 5,957
Summary: Seventeen means a lot of things for James. There’s his Apparition licence for a start, and then there’s his new height, and then there’s Teddy’s return from Oceania. That one is definitely the best, but Dominique can go screw herself if she thinks that James is going to confess his undying love any time soon.
Such a great fic with lots of angsty pining that is so sweet and hot when they finally come together. And a really great friendship between Dominique and James.

Title: If It Makes You Happy
Author: cassie_black12
Rating: Hard R
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Word count: ~6,000
Content/Notes: teddy-fest 2010
Summary: "If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."
Sweet story, reasonable build up.

♥ Title: Hey There Little Red Riding Hood
Author: blithelybonny
Pairing(s): James Sirius/Teddy, mention of past James Sirius/OMCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,243
Content/Warnings: sexual fantasy, sort of A/B/O dynamics, knotting, roleplay, Auror!Teddy, bottom!james, dirty talk, praise!kink, D/s dynamics, *for me
Summary: James Sirius has a secret thing for werewolves, okay? I mean, who doesn't...
OMG this fic! James is just fantastic here and Teddy is dead-sexy, so it's no wonder James is mad for him. I loved the incorporation of fantasy and the a/b/o trope in a way that is seriously freaking hot and totally works in the HP universe.

Title: Blue is the Warmest Colour
Author: writcraft
Pairing: Teddy Lupin/James Sirius Potter, reference to James/OMC, background Draco/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~8,700
Content/Warnings: mild angst, coming out, bottom!james, hp-nextgen-fest 2015
Summary: James has fancied Teddy for as long as he can remember, but Teddy isn’t ready to settle down. James goes on a journey of self-discovery as he negotiates the pleasure and pain of first love, coming to terms with his parents’ separation and the struggle to come out to his dad.
Really gorgeous fic with a beautifully written James. I loved how clear his love for Teddy was, how I could perfectly feel his worry over coming out to his dad and his desire for travel. It's definitely bittersweet in places, but his journey is great, and the ending is perfect.

Title: Settle
Author: mindabbles
Pairing(s): James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin, minor James/OMCs and past Teddy/Victoire
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~9,300
Content/Warnings: dirty talk, Auror Teddy, Cursebreaker James, implied switching, hp-goldenage 2017
Summary: James has never wanted to settle down - or maybe he’s never wanted to settle.
Oh my goodness, this fic is just fantastic! You don't often get to see the HP Next Gen as older men/women, which made this fic an extra delight. James was wonderfully characterized here, and I loved seeing how deep his and Teddy's relationship was after decades of friendship. It really added an extra layer to things when the got together, and the whole thing was a complete delight!

Title: About Time
Author: gryffindorj
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,300
Warnings: Possible underage sex (James is 16), infidelity (though not between Teddy and James), and other than that no warnings just loads of smut.
Summary: Teddy and James know exactly who to blame for all of this.
This almost follows the 5+1 format, detailing the various times that Teddy and James have hooked up over the years and how their relationship evolves.

Title: Coming Out Ahead
Author: mindabbles
Pairing: Teddy/James, Albus/Scorpius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~9,500
Content/Warnings: auror partners, *my prompt, hp-nextgen-fest 2015
Summary: James and Scorpius need a big break. Albus needs Scorpius. Teddy wants James. Perhaps they'll all learn that you can't always get everything you want, but maybe if you're lucky, you can get some of what you need.
This is such an awesome fic! I loved James and Scorpius as friends and Auror partners, and all of the mutual pining was wonderful. Teddy is dead fucking sexy in this, and the connection between both of the couples was fantastic. Interesting plot and a very satisfying resolution.

Title: The Way He Looks
Author: writcraft
Pairing: James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin, Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, non-explicit past Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~11,400
Content/Warnings: Accidental Bonding!fic, auror!Teddy, auror!James, bottom!james, first time, hp-nextgen-fest 2016
Summary: His dad’s having a midlife crisis, he hates the job he doesn’t even have yet and he’s somehow managed to accidentally bond himself to the best mate he’s secretly in love with. Surely growing up shouldn’t be this difficult?
Oh I just loved this fic! James is just amazing here, with his struggle living under his dad's shadow, a job he hates, and his impossible crush on Teddy. A bonding curse is the last thing he needs, but it all works out in the end. Loved the connection between Teddy and James here, and the sex was smoking hot. The background Harry/Draco certainly didn't hurt, either!

Title: Struck
Authors: gryffindorj and mindabbles
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Warnings: rimming
Word count: 12,500
Summary: Sometimes you don't see what's right in front of your face until you catch it in just the right light.
This was lovely. Teddy's love of photography and the way he described seeing the world and James through his camera was perfect.

Title: Those Who Wait
Author: shiftylinguini
Pairing(s): James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~14,470
Content/Warnings: established relationship, Bottom!James, rimming, Quidditch Player James Potter, Auror!Teddy Lupin, mild somnophilia, *for me
Summary: Good things come to those who wait. Luckily for James, good things also come to those who are terrible at waiting, and who instead sulk dramatically and go to sleep in a huff. Teddy is in no position to judge him, however, being the one who made the 'no-sex-'til-your-eighteenth-birthday-sweetheart' rule in the first place ― and then, of course, went and got sent on assignment that weekend, instead of making good on what he’d promised James. But now... Well, nothing’s stopping him from making good on it now.
Oh my goodness this is the greatest ever! James and Teddy are beyond lovely in this, and I just adore the sweet relationship feels here. And then the sex. Fuck, the sex is insanely hot, just scorching. Basically, this fic has it all and is beyond perfect. Highly recommend!

Title: Team Players
Author: shiftylinguini
Pairing(s): James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin, James Sirius Potter/Oliver Wood
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~15,000
Content/Warnings: established relationship (James/Teddy), consensual infidelity, voyeurism, sort of dub-con (due to said voyeurism), dirty talk, rough sex, Bottom!James, Quidditch Player James Potter, Auror!Teddy Lupin, *my prompt, hp-nextgen-fest 2016
Summary: Everyone has that one celebrity they’d move heaven and earth to get between their legs, and James Potter is no exception. He just never anticipated that number one on his Freebie List would end up in the same room as him, let alone would make the first move. But lucky for James, Teddy is a team player―well, he probably is, especially with what James is suggesting.
Okay, basically this fic is the greatest, hottest thing of all time. James/Teddy are in a relationship, but when Oliver Wood, number one on James's freebie list, makes him a proposition, well, Teddy quite generously gives him a pass. The sex is seriously, unbelievably hot, and the relationship dynamics and chemistry between James/Teddy and James/Oliver are just mind-meltingly amazing.

Title: A Small Spark Neglected
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy, background Albus/Scorpius, Harry/Ginny, Draco/Astoria
Rating: PG-13 (rated M on AO3, but I think PG-13 is more accurate)
Word count: 23,851
Content/Warnings: auror!james,, unspeakable!teddy
Summary: Someone’s setting fires in Wizarding London, and Teddy Lupin’s going to have to marry a Potter.
Oh, this is just so great! I really loved the relationship between James and Teddy here, and Teddy sloooooowly realizing his feelings after several misguided attempts with others. The ensemble cast here is really fabulous, and just the whole thing is a wonderful read. :)

♥ Title: Lady of the Evening
Author: gryffindorj
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 28,000
Warning(s): Rimming, oh the rimming, and some bondage, switching, bottom!james, bottom!teddy
Summary: Albus and James run a whorehouse. Sort of. They needed the money, it couldn't be helped. But it's completely on the up and up. Or at least James has no reason to think otherwise. Besides he's too busy with this Teddy thing to really care.
The summary may make it seem like a somewhat cracky premise, but I promise you it's absolutely not. This is a fantastic fic and one of my all-time favorite Teddy/James stories. I really adore the way this author writes the Potter kids and dad!Harry in general, but the relationships between James and Al and Harry are particularly fantastic. Their characterizations feel so believable and their interactions with each other are funny and and personal and sometimes a bit heartbreaking. Besides the wonderful writing, witty dialogue, and moving familial relationships, this fic also felt very fresh and offered a slightly different interpretation and perspective on both James and Teddy as individuals, and how they relate and come together in a relationship. Seriously such a great read with some super hot sex!

Title: Our Cracking Bones Make Noise
Author: snarkyscorp
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 28,734
Warning(s): character death, dirty talk, bottom!james, hp-rarities fest 2010
Summary: After the death of his sister, James is out of control. As his family's last resort, Charlie offers to give James a spot on his dragon reserve in Germany, where Teddy will take him under his wing. There, James is forced not only to confront larger-than-life dragons in ways he never imagined but to deal with the loss of his sister and come to terms with his sexuality in ways that will ultimately help him heal and change his life forever.
As one would expect given the summary, this fic gets pretty angsty with James dealing with his sister's death. But they way he handles his grief and eventually deals with it is so moving and well written. And there is some bonus super hot sex at the end.

♥ ♥ Title: Blame it on the Moon Series (2 Fics)
Author: shiftylinguini
Pairing(s): James Sirius/Teddy, background Draco/Harry, Ginny/Oliver Wood, implications of Albus Severus/Scorpius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 31,876
Content/Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, creature!fic, werewolf!teddy, werewolf!james, bonding!fic, knotting, established relationship, Healer!Teddy, scenting, bottom!james, implied switching, alpha!Teddy, omega!James, mentions of MPREG, heat cycles, biting, hprarefest 2016, intercrural sex, dirty talk
Summary: Teddy was born a werewolf. James gets bitten later in life (not by Teddy) and Teddy is there to help him through his first heat.
OMG this series is AMAZING! Seriously. I adore the a/b/o trope and the author did a seriously fantastic job incorporating so many wonderful werewolf and a/b/o dynamics. The relationship between Teddy and James is beyond fantastic and the sex, and the effect of the heat on them both, all of it was wonderful. There were so many amazing, charming moments, and James's voice felt wonderfully real and believable. It's a tried and true trope, but the author twists and modifies bits and pieces just slightly enough to make it feel engaging and fresh and new. LOVE! And the prequel is just as fantastic! Sexy and charming, it shows up how James and Teddy first got together and it's just as well-written and captivating as its predecessor.

Title: Quiet
Author: gryffindorj
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: James Sirius/Teddy
Warnings: Rimming, dirty talk, wanking, discussion of felching and light bondage. Physical fighting.
Word Count: ~32,000
Summary: Fresh out of Auror Training James is assigned his first partner, Teddy. The fact that he finds Teddy a little intimidating isn't bad enough, James also has old unrequited feelings for him. And that means things could only get worse when the Wizarding World is struck by an-unknown curse.
Love the history and background of James and Teddy's relationship and how it evolves now that they are partners and dealing with the curse. And it has some delicious dirty talk at the end.

Title: At The End of the Rope
Author: shiftylinguini
Pairing(s): James Sirius Potter/Teddy Lupin, background Albus/Scorpius, reference to past James/OMCs and Teddy/Victoire
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 35,258
Content/Warnings: a/b/o dynamics, alpha!teddy, temporarily-an-omega!james, heat cycles, knotting, Bottom!James, Auror!James, Auror!Teddy Lupin, auror partners, first time
Summary: Everyone presents in the springtime of their fifteenth year, and no one was more excited about this than James ― or more disappointed when it didn’t happen. But that’s okay, at twenty-two he’s now made peace with being an Absent Presentation, and with his conviction that no one in their right mind would want to be with or claim someone like him, least of all the person he really wants. He’s got his work and his right hand, and even if he sometimes thinks about what it would be like to be honest with Teddy about how he feels, he knows he couldn’t bear the rejection ― at least, that’s what he tells himself when he can’t get to sleep at night.

But all that is tested after a run-in with an overzealous admirer and a routine Auror call-out gone drastically wrong. As James is left now presenting in full as an Omega, and bound to stay in Teddy’s presence, the careful balancing act he’s built his life around grows more precarious by the second.
Eeee, this fic is just brilliant! A really fun and interesting take on the A/B/O trope and OMG this James and Teddy are just brilliant. Loved the world building, loved the characterizations, and JFC is it ever hot! Awesome read. :D

Title: Omega
Author: iamisaac
Pairing: Teddy/James Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~59,000
Content/Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, dub-con, attempted non-con (non graphic), knotting, bottom!james, omega!james, alpha!teddy, teacher/student relationship, first time, marking, biting, mates, heat cycles, hp-nextgen-fest 2016
Summary: When James Sirius Potter unexpectedly presents as an Omega, two months after his seventeenth birthday, his life is uprooted. From being one of the most admired young men at Hogwarts, he is now the most despised. For as ‘everybody’ knows, Omegas are the lowest of the low, only good for sex and babies...
Such an amazing fic! I loved the a/b/o universe here, and how James struggles with his and society's prejudices when he unexpectedly presents as an Omega. The sex is super hot, and I just adored the relationship development between James and Teddy. A really sexy and engaging read!

[James Sirius/Albus Severus]James Sirius/Albus Severus

Title: Forbidden Fruit
Author: kitty_fic
Pairing: Albus Severus/James Sirius, James Sirius/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,298
Warnings: incest
Summary: James comes home hot and bothered from a date with a girl who teases but doesn't put out. Albus is happy to help relieve him of his problem.
Super sweet and really hot! :)

Title: Remember, Then Follow
Author: torino10154
Pairings: James Sirius/Albus Severus, past James Sirius/OFC, Albus Severus/OMCs
Rating: Soft R
Word Count: 1,470
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, past teen sexual encounter, off-screen minor character death, *my prompt, hp-goldenage 2016
Summary: When James's wife dies, Albus comes to stay with him to keep him company. It's been decades since they've been alone together, and long buried feelings start making themselves known.
Oh, this is gorgeous! The characterizations and tone here are fabulous, and it makes me want to know so much more of their story.

Title: The Not-So-Mysterious Mystery of the Marshmallow Peeps
Author: mysecretashes
Pairing: Albus Severus/James Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~1,700
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, bottom!james, dirty talk, light D/s
Summary: Albus had always known that James was a little off in the head, but this was on the side of ridiculous.
Oh this was funny and crazy hot! Loved the ridiculous marshmellow porn, and cockwhore!James is an eternal favorite.

Title: Touch Me With Your Gaze
Author: iamisaac
Pairing: James Sirius/Albus Severus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,109
Content/Warnings: incestuous desires, fantasising, masturbation, dirty talk, hp-nextgen-fest 2016
Summary: It's only wrong if they touch.
Oh, this fic was wonderful! All the dirtyhotwrong feels as James and Albus refuse to allow themselves to touch. Despite that, the desire thrums and pulses throughout the whole thing. Lovely and poignant.

*NEW: 7/31*
Title: Someone To Look After You
Author: iamisaac
Pairing: James/Albus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,172
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, bottom!james
Summary: James has had a hard day, and he doesn't want Albus to help him relax. He really doesn't.
Seriously hot fic with James trying to resist Albus and his feeling for his brother, but being unable to stay strong in the face of his desire.

Title: five weeks, six days, eleven hours, four seconds
Author: lumosed_quill
Pairing: James Sirius/Albus Severus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,200
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, somnophilia, light dub-con, underage
Summary: James had tried to avoid this. He hasn't been alone in the same room as his brother for five weeks, six days, and eleven hours.
Really lovely fic with a guilty James who just can't help but want Albus. The atmosphere here is wonderful and the whole thing is sexy as hell.

Title: Spinning the World
Author: sdkshelly
Pairings: Albus Severus/James Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,500
Warnings: sleepy sex, dub-con, incest, sibling incest, underage (James is 16, Al is 14-15 depending on your interpretation of the epilogue), daily-deviant kinky kristmas 2012
Summary: James tells himself this is perfectly normal. He's sixteen. He gets hard when someone just looks at him funny. It doesn't mean he's sick and fancies his brother.
So very hot! I love sleepy sex and James' POV is so great here. And sneaky Al!

Title: Masquerade
Author: torino10154
Pairing: James Sirius/Albus Severus, James Sirius/OMCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,522
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, Public sex, voyeurism/exhibitionism, bottom!james, comeplay, fingering, dirty talk
Summary: It was one of those places, dark rooms filled with people looking for an anonymous fuck. But sometimes things don't stay anonymous.
Really freaking dirty hot fic with some anonymous sex and a great reaction from Al when he realizes who it was that he just fucked.

Title: Dissolve
Author: lq-traintracks
Pairing(s): Albus Severus/James Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,810
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, rimming, bottom!albus, bbtp 2016
Summary: There are all kinds of problems with Albus being in love with his own brother; only one of those is that James seems to hate him.
Some seriously gorgeous pining in this one, and a fantastically crafted atmosphere. The love and longing and devotion Albus felt for James is etched into every word, which all comes to a perfectly toned head. Lovely work.

Title: Nothing so Ridiculously Teenage and Desperate
Author: traintracks
Pairing: Albus Severus/James Sirius, background Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,025
Warnings: incest, sibling incest, mentions of underage, bottom!james, partially clothed sex
Summary: James: Cockwhore (especially for this brother)
I love how desperate James is for it and how Albus just wants to give it to him. Partially dressed sex is always a win in my book, and I LOVED how Albus gets off on the wrongness of it all- it just seems so in character for him!

Title: Whatever it Takes
Author: _melodic_
Pairing(s): Albus Severus/James Sirius, Albus/James/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,155
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, established relationship, blackmail, sexual coercion, extreme dub-con, voyeurism, desk!sex, office!sex, bottom!albus, rimming, hp-shoreofangst 2016
Summary: Someone has found out the truth about James and Albus’ relationship. How far are they willing to go to keep their secret safe?
Oh, this fic is gorgeously dark and dirty. Draco is such a fantastic bastard in this, and the interplay between him and James and Albus was perfection. I loved the relationship between Albus and James here, and how, even through Draco's demands, they don't let his perverseness taint their own relationship with one another. The ending is lovely and hopeful, though I can't help but wonder if they've really heard the last of Draco Malfoy...

Title: Al’s Fixation
Author: nia-kantorka
Pairing(s): James Sirius/Albus Severus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,067
Content/Warnings: erotic asphyxiation, breathplay, sibling incest, rimming, bottom!albus, *my prompt, hp-nextgen-fest 2015
Summary: It’s been two months since he walked in on me. Since he found me - pants down, prick in hand, scarf tight around the neck.
Oh this was fantastic! Not a kink I see too frequently, and I thought the author did a brilliant job of it. The characterizations of both of the boys is perfect, and I adore the relationship between these two.

♥ Title: Love You This Way
Author: lumosed_quill
Pairing(s): James Sirius/Albus Severus, background Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~4,300
Warnings/Content: sibling incest, rough sex, bathroom!sex, bottom!albus
Summary: James wonders where his brother has been secreting off to. When he finds him in the attic with the Mirror of Erised, he gets more answer than he bargained for.
This fic is so perfect and captures this pairing perfectly. The guilt and desire and the rawness of it all comes through so wonderfully and the sex is ridiculously hot. Plus bonus H/D feels are wonderful!

Title: Turning the Tables
Author: thilia
Pairings: Albus Severus/James Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,888
Warnings: sibling incest, underage, bondage, blindfolds, bottom!albus, hp-cestfest 2009
Summary: When Albus tells his best friend of his plan to seduce his own brother, Scorpius is sceptical while Albus knows he's going to succeed. Albus Potter always gets what he wants.
This was crazy freaking hot! Everything I want from this pairing.

Title: There Are No Sins
Author: amorette
Pairing(s): Albus Severus/James Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,905
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, stripper!albus, bottom!albus, *for me
Summary: He doesn’t know why he hates the idea of Al fucking some stripper at The Two Wands, but James really really hates it.
Seriously hot fic with protective, possessive James who realises how Albus's is spending his free time, and ends up learning a few things about himself in the process. ;)

Title: i can be lost if i have your trust
Author: tryslora
Pairings: Albus Severus/James Sirius, background Lily/Scorpius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,422
Content/Warnings: established relationship, anal fingering, blindfolds, sibling incest, angst, blow jobs, declarations
Summary: More than anything, Albus trusts his brother. (Inspired by NSFW art Trust and Do You Trust Me Too? by thilia)
Really lovely and sexy with that has a truly gorgeous relationship between Albus and James. There's so much love and trust between them, and even though they know the world would think it's wrong, they both know they're it for one another. Also, 100% recommend checking out the gorgeously naughty artwork that inspired this lovely thing. I really adore the way the artist captures Next Gen characters.

Title: I Know You Rider
Author: traintracks
Pairings: Albus Severus/James Sirius, super brief Lily/Scorpius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~6,800
Warnings: sibling incest, sleepy sex (sort of), public!sex, daily-deviant kinky kristmas 2013
Summary: Touching Albus felt like that moment the wand in your hand responds. The moment before you're healed or cursed, when everything's possible and horrible and perfect.
I really love how traintracks writes this pairing, and this fic is a perfect example of everything I love about them. The unspoken longing, the guilt, and trying so hard not to let their feelings affect their brotherly relationship. I really loved their friendship in this fic with the underlying tension that neither of them really acknowledge, until James realizes that he isn't the only one with these feelings. Wonderfully written, and the train is such a perfect devices throughout the fic. Just lovely and sexy and bittersweet.

Title: Knock, Breathe, Shine, and Seek to Mend
Author: traintracks
Pairing(s): Albus Severus/James Sirius, implied Harry/Draco, Ginny/Dean
Word Count: 13,415
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: incest, sibling incest, master/slave, dub-con, rough sex, mild and brief homophobic language, bottom!james, hp-owned summer of slaves fest 2013
Summary: "What do you want?" James' voice was all breath. Al wouldn't look at him. He didn't know what was happening. Well, part of what was happening was obvious: He was erect again, and this time he didn't have the morning wood excuse. But what was happening with Jamie... That was another matter.
James has been cursed and Albus is his master now, complete with the obligatory fucking. This fic was lovely and dealt with the guilt and longing so well.

Title: Death Grip
Author: amorette
Pairing(s): Albus Severus/James Sirius, James Sirius/Teddy
Word Count: 15,265
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: *for me, incest, sibling incest, D/s, sub!James, dom!Albus, dom!Teddy, cock cage, chastity device, orgasm delay, rough sex, face-fucking, bottom!james, hp-kinkfest 2017
Summary: Death Grip Syndrome: When a bloke masturbates so much and so hard that his dick loses its sensitivity, and it becomes incredibly difficult to come anymore. - James is mortified by his problem, and even moreso when it seems like the only person who can help him solve it is his younger brother, Al. Neither of them could have predicted where this road would lead them.
JFC, this fic is so dirty and wrong and fantastically hot. I love how Al convinces James to let him help with James's problem, and GUH subby James is pretty much a bulletproof kink of mine, so I loved the fun and intense twist on a more D/s type dynamic. And then the addition of Teddy at the end was just perfection! Mind the warnings, this one is filthy. :D

[Albus Severus/Scorpius]Albus Severus/Scorpius

Title: Over-Eager
Author: Llaeyro
Pairing: Albus Severus/Scorpius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~1,400
Warnings/Content: established relationship, first time bottoming, some dirty talk, bottom!albus
Summary: Al’s tight arse is more than Scorpius can handle.
Oh this is just fabulous! Super hot and I loved the little glimpses of their relationship between the glorious smut.

Title: I Believe I Could Drink You Dry
Author: crazyparakiss
Pairing: Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,966
Warnings: bartender!scorpius, friends with benefits, bottom!albus, hp-adoptaprompt 2015
Summary: After a breakup Al decides relationships aren’t for him, and Malfoy never says ‘no’ to a shag.
Oh this fic is wonderful! I loved this sexy, sharp-edged Scorpius, and an Albus who's fed up and just wants to get fucked. Lovely ending, with potential for more between these two.

Title: Wrong.
Author: sdkshelly
Pairing: Albus Severus/Scorpius (some mild hints of possible Harry/Draco)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,700
Content/Warnings: Non-con, drugging via potions, non-linear narrative, some first person POV, bottom!scorpius, hp-nextgen-fest 2015
Summary: Albus has known it from the first day they met: he can't live without Scorpius Malfoy.
OOoo this fic is awesome! Deliciously dark and twisted, with a wonderful Albus who loves Scorpius long past the point of obsession. Great read with a super fabulous ending.

Title: Crush
Author: writcraft
Pairing(s): Albus Severus/Scorpius, Harry/Draco, one-sided Harry/Scorpius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 8,320
Content/Warnings: non-consensual drugging, first time, bottom!scorpius, first person POV, wand-in-a-knot 2016
Summary: Scorpius Malfoy is in love with Harry Potter. That thing with Al was just a distraction. Wasn't it?
Really love fic with Scorpius having a massive crush on Harry (which he of course assumes is true love) and making a right mess of things. It was lovely seeing him evolve over the fic as he learns about his Dad and Harry, comes to terms with his feelings, and realizes how much he truly cares for his best friend, Albus.

Title: That Bitch Alcohol
Author: gryffindorj
Pairing(s): Albus Severus/Scorpius, side of Teddy/James Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 8,500
Warnings: drunk!sex, bottom!scorpius, hp-nextgen-fest 2012
Summary: Albus regrets many things, but mostly he regrets getting drunk and sleeping with Scorpius, something he managed to avoid for years. Now Albus can't get him out of his mind.
I loved Al and Scorpius here, such a great dynamic, and Al just cocking everything up because he's trying so hard to not be what people expect, that he's ignoring what he wants. I really adored the background Teddy James and the sibling banter between James and Al was fabulous!

Title: The Summer Al Began Tried to Live
Author: asnowyowl
Pairing: Albus Severus/Scorpius, background Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, George/Angelina
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 37,000
Warnings: AU: Non-Magical, bottom!albus, bastard!james
Summary: In the summer before college, Al Potter finally begins living, but can he find the courage to show his family who he really is?
I adore Harry/Draco non-magic AU's so I decided to give this pairing a try and it did not disappoint! It was very believable and sweet and moving. It does have a really dickish James, which isn't my favorite, but it worked for the fic.***DISCLAIMER: I haven't read this fic in years. I recently went to reread and discovered a few things (nicknames, bashing, etc.) that I no longer enjoy reading. I'm leaving this rec up, because I did enjoy the fic when I first got into fandom and my next gen headcanons weren't fully formed, but I wanted to make a note that I'm not sure this is a fic I would rec if I'd read it today***


Title: Auror, Boy, and a Cat
Author: gryffindorj
Pairing(s): Teddy/James Sirius, Albus Severus/James Sirius, Albus Severus/James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,104
Content/Warnings: established James/Teddy, threesome, xenophilia, rimming, dirty talk, fisting, double penetration, sibling incest, bottom!james
Summary: Al wants to show James his new trick. Teddy has some tricky ideas of his own. James is along for the ride.
JFC, this is filthy freaking hot, you don't even understand. It has about a million of my kinks (DP, sibling incest, a smidge of xeno, dirty talk, cockwhore!James, to name a few....). And even through all the glorious porn, we still get this feeling for James and Teddy's relationship, how solid it is, which makes me ridiculously happy.!

[Het Pairings]Het Pairings

Title: Sweet Girl and remixed sequel All in the Family
Author: sdkshelly and alisanne
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: James Sirius/Lily Luna, Harry/Lily Luna, implied Albus Severus/Lily Luna
Word Count: 2,140 and 2,050
Warnings: incest, sibling incest, parent/child incest (kind of), underage, serious dub-con, intercrural sex, table!sex, first time, light daddy!kink, daily-deviant's birthday 2014
Summary: Harry's only ever treated Lily as a father would a daughter. Her older brother, on the other hand, has a different way of taking care of his little sister. // Lily's persistence finally pays off, only not in the way she expects.
God this was super freaking hot and so many dirtybadwrong feels from both. James is a bit of a manipulative bastard in these fics, but, then again, it seems like the whole Potter family is a bit off in the best kind of way.

kink: partially clothed sex, trope: friends with benefits, kink: incest, kink: blindfolds, fest: hp_kinkfest, fest: teddy fest, kink: dub-con, kink: a/b/o dynamics, kink: exhibitionism, kink: master/slave relationship, fest: daily_deviant's birthday, pairing: james sirius/teddy, fest: wand_in_a_knot, kink: somnophilia, fest: hp_rarities, bottom!james, pairing: harry/lily luna, pov: first person, kink: bathroom!sex, trope: creature!fic, kink: daddy!kink, pairing type: next gen, fest: hp_shoreofangst, kink: infidelity, fest: hp_cestfest, kink: knotting, kink: biting and marking, kink: rimming, kink: public!sex, fest: hp_owned, kink: breathplay, kink: office!sex, omega!james, fandom: harry potter, fest: hprarefest, kink: desk!sex, kink: bondage, trope: mind-altering substance, hyphephilia, fest: daily_deviant kinky kristmas, switching, kink: drunk!sex, pairing: albus severus/scorpius, pairing: albus severus/james sirius/tedd, bottom!scorpius, docking, pairing: albus severus/james sirius, pairing: james sirius/lily luna, fest: bbtp, kink: blow jobs, kink: coercion, merry smutmas 2007, kink: double penetration, trope: bonding!fic, kink: spanking, kink: dirty talk, kink: face-fucking, kink: xenophilia, kink: table!sex, pairing type: threesomes and moresomes, kink: felching, kink: outdoor!sex, kink: underage, fest: hp_adoptaprompt, pairing type: slash, creature: werewolf, fest: hp_goldenage, profession: medical, kink: non-con, fest: hp_nextgen_fest, alpha!teddy, kink: voyeurism, rec: fic, kink: rough sex, au: non-magical, kink: intercrural sex, established relationship, kink: scenting, kink: fingering, kink: first time, bottom!albus

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