August Multi-Fandom Recs

Aug 30, 2015 10:00

As usual, I did a little bit of reading in several different fandoms this past month. I actually didn't do a ton of fanfic reading overall, as I was getting work done on some m/m romances. :D

[The Avengers: Steve/Tony]Title: Exact Measurements Required
Pairings: Steve/Tony
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 13,350
Summary: That time S.H.I.E.L.D. quartermasters accidentally put Steve's balls in a vise and it goes exactly as well as you'd expect it to. Tony promptly offers to help. Because he's helpful like that. Obviously.
Oh this is so great! Really lovely team dynamics, and the relationship and development between Steve and Tony is fabulous. I love the idea of Tony working on Steve's costume, and the constant adjustment were too funny! :)

[The Hobbit: Bilbo/Thorin]Title: Hard-Knock
Author: yeaka |
Pairing: Bilbo/Thorin
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,622
Notes: bottom!bilbo, public!sex, alpha/beta/omega dynamics
Summary: Bilbo rides the river in Thorin’s barrel, then rides other things.
Quick sexy little ficlet with a dash of omega!verse thrown in!

[Kingsman: Colin/Taron RPF]Title: Hold for the Applause
Pairing: Colin/Taron, background Colin/Livia, mentions of Harry/Eggsy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 18,393
Content/Warnings: RPF, open relationships, first time, bottom!taron, rimming, fantasy, dirty talk
Summary: The thing is, once Taron sees it, he can’t stop seeing it. (or: the one where Hartwin is to blame for the Firtherton.)
Super awesome, sexy fic that sort of blurs the lines between Hartwin and Firtherton. Super clever, and just a really fabulous read!

[Kingsman: Eggsy/Harry]Title: Thrill
Pairing: Harry/Eggsy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,293
Content/Warnings: dirty talk, semi public!sex
Summary: Eggsy chokes on a moan and shudders against him. "Harry…"
"Shh, darling," Harry whispers and kisses the spot he'd just bitten, brushes his lips against the shell of Eggsy's ear. "I need you to be very quiet now. Can you do that for me?"
Super hot little fic with Harry getting Eggsy off in the bushes during a party.

Title: Exsatio (part 2 of the Recuperandae Series)
Pairing: Harry/Eggsy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 54,317
Content/Warnings: AU: Harry Lives, rimming, mild bondage, bottom!eggsy, rough sex
Summary: Five times Harry tries to wine and dine Eggsy, and one time that things actually work out as planned.
Seriously amazing sequel to one of my favorite Kingsman fics. The characterizations are great, and I just adore their connection here. Loved all the coitus interruptus and the sexy build up of tension. When they finally manage to have sex, it's just about the hottest thing ever.

[Merlin: Arthur/Merlin]Title: The Coming of Spring
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,746
Content/Warnings: bottom!merlin, outdoor!sex, glomp fest 2013
Summary: Kings, even new ones, were not supposed to long for their menservants. They shouldn't let their eyes linger on their wrists, the plump of their lips, or the shape of their thighs. Arthur knew this, but he still wanted. There was nothing about Merlin he didn't want.
Such a lovely gorgeous fic with pining!Arthur and a seriously beautiful relationship between Arthur and Merlin.

[Spartacus: Agron/Nasir]Title: my kingdom for your graces (part 6 of the Of Magic and Monsters Series)
Pairing: Agron/Nasir, background Crixus/Naevia, Mira/Spartacus, implied Auctus/Duro, Pietros/Barca, past Agron/Duro, mention of past Agron/OCs and Nasir/OMCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 22,551
Content/Warnings: AU: Fairy Tale & Fantasy, creature!fic, magic!nasir, werewolf!agron, arranged marriage, rough sex, bottom!nasir, MPREG, mention of past sibling incest
Summary: Plans begin to be revealed as Gerulf moves towards his goal. Both Agron and Nasir suffer in their own way.
Fabulous update to this captivating series! Agron and Nasir are finally reunited (in the sexiest of ways) and all of the plots surrounding them continue to thicken! Highly recommend this series, though you definitely should start from the beginning!

[Teen Wolf: Sterek]Title: All Stirred Up
Author: marguerite_26 &
Pairing(s): Stiles/Derek, Kira/Scott, Lydia/Jordan, implied Boyd/Erica
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 49,430
Warnings: AU: Werewolves Exist, laura lives, cop!derek, barista!stiles, bottom!stiles, magic!stiles, rough sex
Summary: Derek's first duty as a new deputy is the early morning coffee run to The Leaky Carafe, and it's not long before he discovers that the quirky barista has a knack for making the perfect drink. Every time. Even before you order. But is it intuition, luck or magic that has all Stiles' customers leaving happy?
Oh this was just such a fun AU. I really love how the authors interpreted the tropes and themes and canon elements here, but gave them a fresh twist. Fabulous connection between Stiles and Derek and just generally a super enjoyable read.

pairing: agron/nasir, fandom: kingsman, pairing type: slash, pairing: harry/eggsy, fandom: the hobbit, pairing: colin/taron, fandom: spartacus, rpf, pairing: arthur/merlin, fandom: teen wolf, pairing: stiles/derek, rec: fic, pairing: steve/tony, fandom: merlin, fandom: the avengers, pairing: bilbo/thorin

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