For nia_kantorka: Because He Looks Like Your Superhot Cousin (Harry/Draco, NC-17)

Jun 16, 2015 22:00

Title: Because He Looks Like Your Superhot Cousin (And This is the Closest It'll Ever Get to Being Okay)
Author: gracerene
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,300
Content/Warnings: established relationship, genderbend (a curse temporarily changes Harry into a girl), cunnilingus, fingering
Summary: Harry gets cursed during an Auror mission and suffers through some strange effects. (or, Harry is temporarily turned into a girl, and Draco doesn't mind one bit.)
Notes: Sweet nia-kantorka, I knew I had to write you something because you have been the most wonderful of friends to me here in fandom, and I'm still blushing from the fabulous birthday you went and organized for me last year. I also have been wanting to try my hand at genderbending, so when I saw that on your list of likes, I figured now was the perfect opportunity! I'm posting this a few days early, to keep with my 50 Reasons scheduling, so I hope you don't mind getting your present now! I really hope you enjoy this, hon, and I hope you have the most marvelous of birthdays! <3 <3

This reason still totally could have worked by keeping them both boys, but I think it works better this way, and I got to try out a new kink! :D

Thanks to capitu, lauren3210, and candamira for looking this over for me and generally being wonderful and helpful! :D

50 Reasons to Have Sex Masterlist

Read on AO3

"Harry, come on, open the door," Draco called out, pounding vigorously on the bathroom door. Harry was unmoved.

"I'm fine, Draco. Just go home. I just want to be alone right now." Harry frowned into the mirror, trying to decide if his voice really did sound higher, or if he was just exaggerating the effects.

"I'm not going anywhere. Granger told me that somebody should keep an eye on you, in case there are any unknown side effects of the curse. Since I'm over here practically every night anyway, I seemed like the logical choice."

"Did - did she tell you what happened?"

Draco hesitated. "She mentioned the effects of the curse, yes. Are you-" He sounded nervous as he paused. "If you'd feel more...comfortable with somebody else here, I could go and get whoever you'd like. I know we've only been officially dating for a few months now, and if you'd rather - "

Harry gripped his wand and cast the unlocking charm. He really didn't want Draco to see him like this, but even worse was Draco thinking it was because Harry didn't trust him.

"You - you can come in." His voice wavered embarrassingly, and he wrapped his arms awkwardly around his waist in a futile effort to hide. He stood in the middle of the bathroom, bracing himself, as he waited for Draco to come inside.

What must have been an eternity later, Draco cautiously turned the doorknob, and opened the door. He stopped mid-stride and stared blatantly at Harry's new appearance.

"Wow," Draco breathed.

"I thought you said Hermione already told you!" A self-conscious blush crept over Harry's cheeks, heating his face.

"She did. I just - I guess I still wasn't really expecting it. I mean, you still look like Harry, just - "

"I'm a bloody girl!"

"Well, yes. It would appear you are."

"I'm a girl everywhere." Harry thought Draco was acting a bit too calm for somebody whose boyfriend wasn't currently a boy.

Draco's gaze turned appreciative as he looked Harry over. "I don't see what the problem is."

"You don't see what the problem is! I'm - I - I have tits, and my prick is gone. I'm all - all pretty and soft and my center of balance is all fucked up. What if I'm stuck like this forever! You won't be so okay with everything if I can't fuck you anymore, will you?"

"First of all, Granger was perfectly clear when she told me that they'd be ready to perform the counter-curse by the end of the week, at the latest. Are you telling me you doubt Granger's abilities? I'm sure she'd be interested in hearing that piece of information."

Harry paled and shook his head. It wasn't that he doubted Hermione, it was just that magic could be unpredictable was all.

"Secondly, as much as I love your cock, and I really love your cock," Draco stepped closer and Harry took an instinctive step back, jolting when his slightly more rounded bum hit up against the counter. "It's certainly not the only thing I love about you. Even if you could never fuck me again, there are plenty of other things we could do that are just as enjoyable."

"But - " Harry wrinkled his nose. "I'm a girl."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Yes, I think we've well established that you're a girl, with all the relevant parts. But you seem to be forgetting something."

"Uh, what?"

"I like girls. Unlike you, I'm attracted to both."

"Oh, right. But, I mean, you always seem to go for those really attractive women. And I'm - "

"Bloody hot," Draco finished for him, sweeping his thumb across the plump curve of Harry's cheek. He paused, giving Harry a considering look. "Truth be told, you look a lot like my cousin, Chloé."

"How sexy," Harry deadpanned.

"Actually, yes. I was quite…enamoured with her when I was younger."

"Merlin, really."

Draco hummed his acknowledgment, eyes glowing as they roamed over Harry's changed form.

"Did you ever…" Harry made a crude gesture.

Draco laughed. "Salazar, no! She was several years older and my cousin. It was just a harmless little crush."

Harry gave a small smile, somehow soothed by the silliness of their conversation. Draco was right, this wasn't that big of a deal. Harry had experienced weirder things. Not to mention that Draco seemed genuinely unconcerned with Harry's female state; more than that, he seemed quite intrigued.

"So," Draco began, his voice much rougher than just moments earlier. "Have you explored your new body yet?"

Harry's eyes widened. "I, uh, haven't really had the time. And well, to be honest...I was kind of put off by the fact that all my bits are missing."

"Well, I can't help you with that, but I could help you in your explorations, if you're interested."

Heat pooled in Harry's belly, a soft, syrupy arousal making him warm all over. "Yeah?"

"I'm not exactly inexperienced when it comes to women. I could make you feel good." Draco's breath was hot against Harry's skin as he leaned in to whisper in his ear, and Harry's whole body shuddered involuntarily.

"That sounds...yeah."

Draco flashed him a sharp smile, before dragging him into the bedroom.

"Can I?" Draco's hands were huge against his waist, playing with the hem of his now too-loose shirt.


Draco slipped his hands beneath the fabric and Harry's stomach jumped at the contact. His skin was soft and sensitive as Draco made his way up his sides, dragging his shirt up with them. With a flourish, the shirt was off, and Harry fought against the bizarre instinct to cover his chest. Instead of flat pecs, he had breasts; small, fleshy, jiggly things that weighed him down.

Draco seemed to be fascinated, though Harry didn't really see the appeal. But then Draco was cupping them, rubbing a roughened thumb against the rounded curves and circling the hardening nubs. Harry gasped and thought maybe he did get what the big deal was, because his nipples had never been so sensitive while he was a man. Harry was sure his shocked pleasure must be written all over his face, because Draco grinned wickedly, and then lowered his mouth, latching on and swirling his tongue around the delicate flesh before sucking.

Harry mewled, a strange, high whine that he'd never made before in his life as Draco's wet, warm mouth worked him over. His skin was fire-hot from embarrassment and arousal, but his sounds only seemed to spur Draco on.

Draco pushed him back onto the bed, never leaving Harry's breasts for more than a moment as he crawled over Harry. Harry's heart was fluttering madly, and he ached for something, for more, but he wasn't sure what more of exactly. He almost wished that he'd managed to get this far with Ginny, so at least he'd have some idea of what was coming. But he'd be lying if he said that the thrill of the unknown, of exploring things with Draco, wasn't part of what had him so turned on right now.

Finally, Draco pulled away with one last scrape of his teeth, leaving Harry's flesh red, and sore, and swollen. Draco kneeled between Harry's thighs, and he looked so big. Which was a strange sensation, because normally they were pretty evenly matched in terms of height and weight. Even in this new body, Harry knew that Draco wasn't really that much bigger than him, but he felt bigger, stronger, and the flat planes of his body seemed sharp and unforgiving against Harry's unfamiliar curves.

Draco toyed with the drawstring to his pajama pants and Harry's stomach clenched with every slight brush of fabric. Arousal thrummed electric through his veins, and the ache below his waist intensified as a strange wetness slicked his thighs. Harry couldn't stop the soft roll of his hips, trying to encourage Draco to get a move on.

Thankfully Draco got the message, quickly sliding off the pajama pants and leaving Harry completely naked. Instinctively, Harry clenched his legs, which was a bit awkward with Draco kneeling between them. Merlin, Draco had seen him naked a million times, but Harry had never felt so bare, so vulnerable.

Draco's hands circled Harry's ankles and his palms dragged slowly upwards. When Draco got to Harry's knees-which Harry was disappointed to note, were still quite knobbly-he gently eased Harry's legs open, spreading him wide and baring him completely to Draco's gaze.

Lust flooded through Harry, need lancing through him as Draco looked at him with dark hungry eyes. His stomach was almost queasy with desire as Draco's fingers crept up the insides of Harry's thighs and it seemed like he might actually die if the teasing didn't end soon. Harry had no idea what Draco had planned, but he knew he needed more. Soft fingers caressed his pubic hair, a barely there pressure against his outer folds that had Harry panting. He was drenched and soaking wet, the air cold where it brushed against him. Sticky fluid leaked out of him, coating Draco's fingers and dripping onto his thighs and arse. His need to be filled was a steady throb, and every pulse of desire seemed to make things slicker.

"Fuck," Draco muttered, his voice choked. "You're so fucking wet, Harry. Merlin, you must be desperate for it."

"I am. Do it. Do something."

"I will, don't worry. I'll take care of you."

Harry inhaled deeply, and Draco took that opportunity to press two fingers more firmly along his folds, slipping inside. Harry shuddered as Draco's fingers glided between his thighs, sliding up and circling something that made Harry jackknife up from the bed, legs once again trying to clamp shut.

"Feel good?" Draco asked, voice smug.

"What the fuck was that?"

"Your clit. It's supposed to be even more sensitive than your cock." He circled his fingers again and Harry collapsed back against the bed, undulating his hips in time to Draco's rhythm.

"I believe it. That's so - fuck that's so good."

"I'm going to make you feel even better." Draco grinned. He brought his soaked fingers up to his mouth and licked them, and Harry made a face, even as another burst of arousal swept through him at the gesture. Harry couldn't imagine that tasted good, but Draco seemed to love it, sucking enthusiastically at his fingers. The thought of Draco still liking the taste of Harry that much was undeniably hot.

Once his fingers were clean, Draco shimmied down the bed, until his face was level with Harry's crotch. Harry thought his heart might actually stop beating.

"You're not going to - "

"Eat you out?" Draco asked innocently, before kissing his way up Harry's thigh. Draco paused, his eyes fluttering closed as he inhaled deeply. "Fuck, you smell unbelievable."

"Different?" Harry asked, fighting off his shyness at Draco's praise.

"No. You smell like you, but it's stronger, more concentrated. I like it." Draco flashed Harry a wolfish smile, before spreading him wide. He took another deep inhale, and then dragged his tongue through Harry's slickness, licking his way up to Harry's clit.

"Oh," Harry gasped, clenching the sheets and riding up against Draco's mouth. Draco built up a fast, pulsing rhythm that made Harry quake, and Harry was so lost in the rising pleasure that he barely registered the pressure of a finger, until it was sliding fully inside of him.

Fuck that was good, that was perfect, that solid weight fucking into him, filling him up and satisfying that ache inside. It was different than when Draco fingered his arse, easier, smoother, though the sense of fullness wasn't quite as sharp.

Draco finger-fucked Harry in tandem with his clever, wicked tongue. The pleasure rose inside of Harry, pulsing higher and higher until it crested and waves of shuddering bliss rolled throughout his body. It felt so much different than his normal orgasm, the usual hot coil of arousal that would snap and release, giving him immediate satisfaction. Instead, this release seemed to last for ages, the sensations continuing to undulate over his skin, making him quiver and shake through the aftershocks.

Draco eased back, gently swiping his thumb against Harry in uneven intervals, shocks of pleasure hitting Harry every time he brushed against his clit.

"Fuck, I feel amazing," Harry mumbled, staring lazily up at the ceiling. He did feel amazing. Sated and so damn relaxed, boneless against the sheets of his bed.

"I'm glad." Draco also looked surprisingly satisfied, and not-so-surprisingly pleased with himself. He shifted on his knees, and Harry's eyes were drawn to the large bulge still pressing up against his trousers.

"You didn't come," Harry pouted. He never liked when Draco tried to get him off without reciprocation. It just seemed so unfair - to both of them really.

"Not yet."


Draco smirked. "You didn't think we were done yet, did you Harry?"

"Um, well, I came, so yeah. But, I mean, I can still blow you. I wonder if I can open my mouth as wide?" He started to open his mouth to try and see, but stopped at the exasperated look on Draco's face. "What?"

"You do know that women can have multiple orgasms, yes?"


"Yes, seriously." Draco slid two fingers into Harry and he arched, surprised that he could handle the pleasure already, without suffering from oversensitivity. "I was thinking I could try fucking you next. Unless you're too nervous?" Draco's eyes flashed with challenge.

Harry grinned, and surged up to kiss him breathless.

kink: het sex, no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, kink: cunnilingus, trope: genderbending/genderswap, fandom: harry potter, established relationship, birthdays, gift!fic, pairing: draco/harry, kink: fingering

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