A rec (just one)

May 26, 2015 10:00

So, I didn't read all that much HP fic this month, TBH. Lots of drabbles, of course, but I was a bit obsessed with other fandoms in May. BUT I did read one fabulous, glorious fic, and I didn't want to wait until my June HP round up, so it gets it's very own shiny post. Which, well, the fic was written for me, so it kind of deserves it's own post anyways, yes?

The wonderful, talented, dicta-contrion wrote me a super freaking hot fic for my half-birthday and it is just so, SO good! And not just because it's for me, though, it does contain about a million of my kinks & likes, so it was kind of tailor made to hit all my buttons. But it really is just so much sexy, sexy fun. Draco's voice is glorious and I love how even though it's basically 11k of straight porn, there are definitely some sneaky feels that work there way in there. I hadn't really been getting my H/D fix this past month, so this fic could not have come at a better time! <3

Title: Endowment (also on AO3)
Author: dicta_contrion
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,834
Content/Warnings: auror!harry, bottom!harry, implied switching, rimming, dirty talk, come play, first time, hung!draco, first person POV, *for me
Summary: Potter has got under my skin for far too long, in far too many ways. I fully intend to return the favour.

kink: rimming, pairing type: slash, era: post-hogwarts, rec: fic, hung!draco, *for me, fandom: harry potter, kink: come play, kink: dirty talk, pov: first person, pairing: draco/harry, bottom!harry, kink: first time

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