Weekend "Comment-A-Thon"

Dec 17, 2013 09:30

writcraft is having a "Comment-A-Thon" this weekend and everybody should go and participate! It is a super awesome idea :)

Of course, this would happen on my busiest weekend in December! My best friend is visiting from across the country, so I don't know how much reading I will be doing...but now I have to do some...what a hardship... ;)

Username: gracerene
Number of comments I plan to leave: My goal is to leave a comment on every fic I read :)
Personal Goal: I think I have two longer fics bookmarked from hd-erised to catch up with and I am sure there will be another longer fic or two that they post before the week is up! And I would like to catch up on the hd-owlpost offerings, but there are just so many!
I'm following: Honestly, probably far too many...
daily_deviant's Kinky Kristmas, hd-erised, hd-owlpost, mini_fest , hpholiday, teenwolf_bb,
teen wolf holiday exchange, and several advent fics

promote, comment-a-thon

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