Aug 22, 2005 14:29
When it comes to runny noses, I have the coping capacity of a five year old. When it comes to having a cold in the middle of August, it triggers homicidal impulses worthy of Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath and Freddy Krueger combined. ah, IP.
AND I think I'm getting carpal tunnel again in my wrist. Curse you, manual espresso bar.
It turns out our landlord doesn't suck. Thanks to our eloquently pathetic letter (calculatingly sent with our rent check), operation "get Emily a pet" is a go, and will be carried out as mercilessly and without forethought as America's war on the terrorists who hate our freedom.
I don't remember the last time I sang. I've asked people about rehearsal studios, but no one knows of any. And I think the people in our complex endure enough listening to the woman downstairs and her "operatic" warblings that they shouldn't have to suffer through me, too.
I've never been to the UP. I was really excited to go, though. Until I was told that Lake Michigan yesterday was nothing compared to the water up there. Looks like I'll be stuck in a wetsuit, peeing on myself for warmth. I don't do cold- sue me.
I promise to try not to suck at updating any more. Ah, who am I kidding.