Apr 05, 2011 20:58
I haven't been around much lately, because over the last six months (or so) the job that I do has become very draining and soul destroying. At times like this, I don't feel like communicating. While the crowd I work with are good fun to be around, there is no doubt that the change of management has destroyed morale, and now everyone is unhappy. I suspect that management might even be pursuing a 'natural wastage' policy, and my goodness, if so, they are succeeding.
Even my writing and other creative urges are completely stale.
For the last month, I have needed to speak to my line manager about my feelings, but actually did not trust myself to say something that I might regret. I spoke today, and it turns out that she is in an impossible situation, and that in fact had I not spoken my heart today, I would never have had the chance, because on Tuesday the management are moving her to another branch.
The good news is, - I saw a job that I would love to do (which is something I know I can do well, and which would give me a focus for the coming years). My application is in, and just re-visiting my CV made me remember that I'm actually rather good at certain things, and that it is the firms loss, since they under-use me so horribly.
My hopes (regarding this job possibility) may come to nothing, but they may not. Curiously, I find that most taureans I know are looking or even being interviewed for something new at this time, and astrologically the signs are good, if not necessarily immediate. I come home from work feeling de-skilled, and as if I've been through a shredder, but somewhere inside there's still a spark that says 'hey, something good around the corner...'
love and blessed be