Feb 27, 2010 22:48
Wow lj is not blocked in China! :D Unbelievable but true, though it still lags very badly.. I’m actually typing this on Microsoft Words so that when the page loads, I can just paste this on and let it post (:
Shanghai is %$#^&$% cold, the days of double digit temperature has ended and it is back to 6 degrees this morning. (and I can assure you that it certainly is nowhere near 6 degrees considering the teeth chattering clod I’m experiencing now T_T) I have spent the day cleaning my dorm room with Sophia and unpacking the stuff. A layer of dust has gathered on all my stuff and ok, I just threw away like one million things to clear up more space. So far, only En Jin and Man Ying have come to collect their items from our very limited dorm room space, therefore, it is still quite crampy in the room. Total cramps my style. HAHA.
Had brunch with laoda, an ting, soph, yi xian and Wei Yeow at Chatres. Yummy stuff, photos for another post another day. (: Dinner at ING with the crowd and then it was off to visit An ting’s new home just across the street from dorm. YAY! Sleepovers at An Ting’s!!!! :D
Also excited because it’s just one more week till the Super Junior Concert in Shanghai!!!! And of course An ting and I are going (((: fufufufu~~~ she’ll support heechul and I’ll support eetuek… not forgetting ryeowook, kyunhyul, siwon, sungmin, donghae, eunhuek…etc. (ok that’s basically everyone in SuJu, but I think Kangin and Hankyung won’t be able to make it and I hope eunhyuk recovers from his swine flu asap!!!)