random funny

Jun 05, 2007 12:40

gracelessone: I hit "redial" to call the school and excuse Jessa today
gracelessone: the number looked right so... I called it and it shoulda been a recording
gracelessone: so.. person answers and I went "...I need to call my daughter out of school?"
gracelessone: I was totally lost
Willocwen: ehehe
gracelessone: but see.. the last place I called wasn't keyport -high school- it was keyport international house of pancakes
gracelessone: the lady says "..this is the ihop?"
gracelessone: "-OH-"
Willocwen: "...so? I'm calling my daughter out of school, lady!!"
gracelessone: ehehee -- "AND I NEED COFFEE TO DO IT!"

there seem to be a lot of rules people take to heart
and lots of definitions
and what you worship
then I go 'okay.. what about pagan?'
and oh ho!
a whole new set of rules
then I go 'okay, FINE, what about 'non-wiccan witch???'
and aha!
new stuff!
then you end up curled in a fetal position muttering 'but I don't want to be a non-reconstructionalist eclectic pagan... it's hard to type...'

I think there should be anti-holiday cards
Happy Forced Psuedo-Romance Day
Merry Rampant Commercialism!
Happy Messiah on a Stick
Hey Look Chocolate Day!
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