Jun 03, 2007 10:36
...of the mind.
I think I am starting to think in cliches. Things like "I am the author of my own life" and "seize the day" and blah blah blah. I attribute this to laziness - but dear God there's always more to do! What's the use of constantly harping on yourself?
I think loving is ultimately a decision, rather than something that happens. Unconscious loving is only a dream that can easily spill over into a nightmare.
I noticed the city this morning - I woke up to it as I walked to work. What an incredible world this is that we have been thrust in to. We can resist it and suffer pain, and then get used to that pain, and then watch that pain harden into a frigid crystal that shatters and fragments when hugged. Or...we can embrace it, feel what we feel, notice where we are, go where things take us, make decisions, learn from them, give and receive love, and forgive. We don't have to be empty. That's a choice as well. It is not passive! Passivity is a choice too and it leads to crystallization which is dangerous - we want malleability, adaptability, fluidity, give, etc. But I don't think this means we give up convictions - that can be just as dangerous as being immovable. We want to learn, realizing that learning is different from knowing; knowing kills but learning grows. It is not the point it self, but the infinite journey to and space surrounding the point. That's the point!