I had a busy but AMAZINGLY AWESOME day yesterday! Probably one of the best days I've ever had.
Jeremy and I went to Seattle for a Chuck Palahniuk reading. He didn't read the story I was hoping for but it was still great. We got to talk to him and we both got some books signed.
How cool is that!? and he said the rumors are true about a movie for Choke beginning production soon by the same company that did Requiem for a Dream. He even said he read the script and knows it wont disappoint. *insert Napoleon Dynamite "yessssssss"*
But wait there's MORE! Before we left for Seattle I found some tickets still available for a midnight showing of Star Wars in Marysville. We got there in plenty of time to get PERFECT seats and the movie was so beyond my expectations. (and I had really, really high expectations)
It was great to see the story tied all together and Lucas did a great job bringing back some of that magical original trilogy "feel" (especially the humor.) asldfkj
Some of the scenes were just.. amazing. None of the other Star Wars movies have had such a strong emotional impact on me.. not even the original ones. Everyone needs to get over their prequelphobias and go enjoy it.