
Nov 30, 2019 09:38

I luxuriated here at the homestead by myself for the past three days. The husband took off to San Francisco to be with his friends and the young’in left to be with his mom for the extended weekend. Thanksgiving morning I headed out to go swimming only to find my car battery was dead. It took AAA nearly two hours to come out and jump it but by then I lost my desire to go anywhere so I made my holiday meal of popcorn and wine and enjoyed watching the most recent season of Walking Dead and with new writers, the show has returned to it’s creative and endearing self. I love that show.

I walked 5 miles each day, enjoying the less crowded parks and sidewalks, fall foliage everywhere and listened to my latest book, Exhalation - “short stories that make you think, grapple with big questions and feel more human” or so says Obama.

The family comes home late tonight or tomorrow. I’m going to whip up a three-egg omelet with salmon, cheese, onions, and garlic for my afternoon meal and maybe take a nap. And then, if not raining, maybe hang X-mas tree lights outside.

Life is good.

My 1 Second a Day wrapup for the month, ‘cept I bumped it up to 3 seconds which gives it a smoother flow, IMO.

image You can watch this video on

1-second-everyday, holidays

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