Jul 19, 2005 18:29
Just about every night at this time, in pops the strangest spam I've ever seen. They originate from different emails and I've not taken the trouble to track it down. At least not yet.
Here's what I received tonight. Either this guy smoked too much crack for dinner, or he has caught on to our little new "friends meme" we've created ...
incentive arising out of that business aboard the Encarnacion a yearAye - but the
worst mistake of all in this matter of commissions,had to be, he said. Say now,
gentlemen, whether I am justifiedthin lips grew a little broader, a little less
pleasant. HeEnglish!his way out of that trap to the open sea beyond lay clear, the
fortAye - a deal of lies, devil a doubt, as I could prove to you.terribly, and he
clenched his great fists as if to strike thedriven mad by it. And Pitt, after all,
was his friend and lovedcellar; then report to me here.boat manned by six of these
Spanish prisoners, and I - aexpected.yardarm. He deserves it.pirates after himself.
I hope your lordship begins at last tobriskly.Colonel Bishop from the yardarm, and
by thus finally stifling the