Best of 2011

Jan 02, 2012 18:37


I've decided to pick one or two photos I took each month and enjoyed the most and repost them here.

This photo demonstrates the value of having the camera ready at all times. These two were on my desk and when I saw Blue (the orange one) slink back to the end of the desk, I grabbed the camera just when Spike decide to push him over. I just noticed Blue's back paw with his claws out as if he's hanging on for dear life. His head up in the lamp shape speaks to his clowning behavior. Sometimes we call him Clutzworth.

Before we were married, Ky had collected assorted art pieces that portrayed couples because he thought it might be a good omen of sorts. He was looking to be part of a couple once again. This little sculpture really caught my eye and not until I looked at the photo did I realize there's a picture of us from our wedding day in the background.

faves from 365

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