Jan 15, 2009 19:10
Finally got to do some reading over break.
I just devoured the Twilight books.
All I can say is...
Wow. I'm in love.
Anyone else love them as much as I did? It seems most of the people I have talked to haven't liked them, or read them!! I'm kind of disappointed.
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Hmmm, favorite book/favorite part --
I'm not sure if I have a definite favorite anything. Even though I thought the fourth book read like bad fan fiction in the first section, I ended up really liking it. I don't know that it's my favorite though, 'cause it's soo bizarre at the beginning. Also, I feel weird about the whole Jacob's-perspective thing, even though I can understand why S.M. did it. The second book is tough because Edward's gone through so much of it. Sooo probably not my favorite, even though I thought that Bella's relationship with Jacob was a lot healthier and less creepy. The funny thing is, I guess I didn't like Edward all that much until the end of the second book. Which, I know, defeats the purpose of Twilight COMPLETELY. Still, I did come around. I guess I like the third the best. That's the one with Victoria and the murders in Seattle, right? I feel like that dealt best with the key issues -- you know, what Bella would be like when she became a newborn, and all that graduating/going to college/getting marriage business. I thought S.M. had hit her stride with that one.
Obviously I could go on about this all day! (I'm not as bad as my mom, though.) What were your favourite parts?
By the way. My least favorite part of all of the books was that I saw this word in it:
WTF! You can't do that. It's illegal in my brain!!!
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