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Jan 19, 2011 23:09

Cara&Kahlan picspam

I wanted to do Top 5 scenes, but in the end i had to include these 7 cause i come up with 15. Tell me what you guys think and what are your faves. I'd like to see which scenes you'd include. Enjoy!

07. 2x14 Bound

CARA: You'll be fine once the spell is removed.
KAHLAN: It's Richard I'm worried about. Once the spell is broken, Nicci will be able to use her magic.
CARA: Richard can handle Nicci.
(ZEDD saying a spell)
CARA: Can you speed it up, Wizard?
KAHLAN: If I die, make sure Richard knows it wasn't his fault.
CARA: You're not going to die. (KAHLAN drops to the ground) No! Kahlan.

06. 2x19 Extinction

KAHLAN: Did you make it?
CARA: I wish you could have been there. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

5. 2x08 Light

CARA: If you need to stop and rest...
KAHLAN: Is that your way of saying you need to stop and rest?
CARA: No, it's my way of saying you're slowing us down. We need to find the next flower.
KAHLAN: I think i have. The roots are here, but someone picked a flower.

4. 2x01 Marked

KAHLAN: I don't know exactly what you did to make Richard trust you but if this is some sort of trick i will kill you.

3. 2x03 Broken

CARA: Confess me, I deserve it.
KAHLAN: I've looked into this woman's eyes and I see now that she is truly remorseful.

2. 2x08 Light

KAHLAN: You should keep going, you'll move faster alone.
CARA: Obviously. But i made a promise to Richard....It's infected, we need to burn the wound closed.
KAHLAN: We don't have time to make a fire.
CARA: I don't need a fire. But it will hurt.
KAHLAN: I've been struck by an agiel before.
CARA: Not like this.
KAHLAN: Do it.
CARA: I'm impressed, even the strongest mord'sith would have fainted.
(Kahlan faints)
CARA: Kahlan?

01. 2x16 Desecrated

CARA: You once told me that it’s a hard world. That we don’t get many chances to tell people how much they mean to us. There’s no one a Mord’Sith should hate more than a Confessor. I was trained to hate you, but I don’t. And I don’t wanna die without you knowing that I consider you to be… my friend.
KAHLAN: I think of you as a friend too.

"We always long for the forbidden things, and desire what is denied us"

art: picspam, cara/kahlan, pairing: cara/kahlan, character: kahlan amnell, character: cara mason, tv show: legend of the seeker

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