(no subject)

Jan 09, 2011 04:12

10. 2x07 Resurrection

CARA: May i speak with you?
I just want you to know i regret what i did on Valeria.
DENNEE: I can't accept your apology.
CARA: I needed to say it anyway.

09. 2x22 Tears

CARA: How is she still in the Con Dar?
ZEDD: Maybe because Nicci used Kahlan's own magic to confess her. The only way to free Kahlan is to kill her, and bring her back with the Breath of Life.
(CARA aims her bow and arrow at KAHLAN, but doesn't shoot. She and ZEDD rush to their horses.)
ZEDD: She was moving too fast!
CARA: No! I hesitated. Because for one stupid moment, I was worried I couldn't revive her.
ZEDD: She's your friend.
CARA: That's what traveling with you people has done to me. Made me weak.
ZEDD: No, Cara! Your hesitation wasn't weakness. It was a strength. An instinct to preserve life rather than snuff it out. Without that instinct, what are we fighting for?

08. 2x01 Marked

CARA: If and when the new Lord Rahl should claim the throne we will decide if he's worhty of our services until then who better to bring order to the territories than the Mord'Sith.
TRIANA: When did you become queen? I must have missed the coronation.
I demand an honorable death. It's my right as a Mord'Sith.
CARA: You deserve no honor. You will stay alive and serve me.
Does anyone else have a problem?

07. 2x13 Princess

CARA: Where i come from the raw liver of a shradin is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, would you like some?
MARGRAVE: Do you know how many laws of right and good you have just broken?
CARA: It's your choice Margrave, an eternity of right and good or an eternity of meeeeee?

06. 2x16 Desecrated

CARA: "You once told me that it’s a hard world. That we don’t get many chances to tell people how much they mean to us. There’s no one a Mord’Sith should hate more than a Confessor. I was trained to hate you, but I don’t. And I don’t wanna die without you knowing that I consider you to be… my friend."

05. 2x19 Extinction

CARA: Well, wisp, it's just you and me. And we have a long way to go, so...what do you want to talk about? (pause as the nightwisp speaks). Huh? Mmm. This would be so much easier if you used words, instead of chirping. I'll bet you wish Kahlan was here instead of me. The truth is, you're lucky I'm here. Kahlan couldn't have run all night and got you safely out of gar territory like I did. I'm faster than she is. And I have more endurance. I'm also better in a fight. If it weren't for me, everyone on this quest would be shadrin food by now. (pause as the nightwisp speaks). I'm not boasting, I'm simply...wait. Did you just say I was boasting? (laughs) I can understand you. Say something else. (pause as the nightwisp speaks). Kahlan's close? Where?

04. 2x20 Eternity

DAHLIA: Remember when we were little girls? How terrifying the agiels were? How much they hurt? You held my hand so tightly it was the only thing that kept me from crying. We knew if we cried they'd just torture us more. We survived because we protected each other from out weaknesses. That's what I'm doing now. The Seeker has made you soft. He's poisoned you against your sisters, your family.
CARA: Richard, Kahlan and Zedd are my family.
DAHLIA: They hardly know you. They can't love you like I do.
(Dahlia kisses Cara again but Cara head butts her)

03. 2x19 Extinction

CARA: Ah, made it! Wisp? Wisp? (She opens up her hand, and the wisp's glow fades out. She places its body on a flower petal.) I'm sorry I failed you.(She turns to leave, but hears the noise of nightwisps. She turns back around, and there are nightwisps floating around.) The babies survived.

02. 2x12 Hunger

CARA: I asked him to make me a baneling.
CARA: I had to get back! To tell you where the kidnappers had taken the captives. (Looking to Richard with tear-filled eyes) And I had to protect you, you Richard. (Hides crying) But I’m no use to you like this. I almost killed Thaddicus.

01. 2x03 Broken

CARA: Confess me, I deserve it.
KAHLAN: I've looked into this woman's eyes and I see now that she is truly remorseful.

Honorable mention
[Fury, Perdition, Creator]

*credit: screencaps by rawr_caps

art: picspam, character: cara mason

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