10 days of tv picspam!

May 26, 2011 00:35

10 days of tv challenge

10 shows you like the best
9 characters you love
8 couples you ship
7 best episodes
6 best seasons
5 best actors/actresses
4 favorite friendships
3 guest stars you loved
2 best music moments
1 quote that changed your life

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997 - 2003)
In every generation, there is a chosen one. She alone shall stand against the vampires, demons, and forces of darkness. She is the Slayer

No vampire show will ever be as good as BtvS. Sarah M.G. was the first lady i fell in love with, i had tons of Buffy posters, i watched every episode at least twice, i even watched a few episodes on german channel just so i can stare at Spike lol. I will never ever forget about BtvS.

Camelot (2011 - ?)
Forget everything you've seen before

This show only started, and it has been getting bad reviews but i don't care, i love it. Actually i love Morgan, then everything else. :D Scenery is amazing, and the plot is getting better with every new episode. The only thing i don't care about is Arthur/Guinevere sl..boring, boring and so damn BORING! First i hate adultery, second there is no chemistry, third she's going to cheat on him with Lancelot later (i'm sure of it).

Game of Thrones (2011 - ?)
You win or you die

Another new show, but damn it's good. I never read the books and i don't usually watch this type of shows, but writing, acting and casting is FABULOUS. Lets not forget the scenery (after all i'm a photoshop freak so it's important to me, ok? :P) One more thing, I WANT TO MARRY PETER DINKLAGE! That.is.all

Gilmore Girls (2000 - 2007)
Best friends first. Mother and daughter second

Oh my, definitely my fav show of all time. When it was cancelled i cried like a little baby even though it was on for 7 years. This show had a perfect combination of drama and comedy, one moment i'd laugh my ass of the next i'd cry. I loved absolutely every character, cause every one of them had so much depth. Relationship between Lorelai and Rory was epic, extremely well done, and actually very realistic. Lorelai's relationship with her parents was entirely opposite from that of L/R and so interesting to watch. Amy Sherman Palladino, you crazy, inteligent, perfect bitch, i bow at your feet.

Legend of the Seeker (2008 - 2010)
Hope has a warrior

Do i need to explain why is this one in top 10? Scenery, magic, crackiness, sexy girls, handsome boys, mord'sith, magic, mord'sith, boobs, mord'sith, epic hair, epic fights, agiels and CARA...oh and there was some plot..i guess. :P

Merlin (2008 - ?)
You can't escape destiny

I was sceptic about this show, but after watching the first episode i was hooked. There is a lot of magic, lots of humor, and also spectacular performance by Colin Morgan (and indicator that you can be young, cute, handsome and VERY talented *Megan Fox and 'actresses' alike could learn from him*). The only problem with this show is what they did to Morgana, i hate when writers neglect a character.

Spartacus: Blood and Sand (2010 - ?)
Some legends are written in blood

SEX, bloooood, sex, and then more blood and more sex, and naked Xena getting it on with Jonathan Carnahan. PERFECT SHOW. :P
Pilot was the worst episode ever, but now i can't get enough. Great writing and acting. Thank God they're bringing Lucretia back, and also very sad that Andy was replaced. :( I love you man. *sniff*

Supernatural (2005 - ?)
What you don't understand can kill you

A show about two hot brothers fighting evil (ghosts, witches, demons, ugly freaky monsters etc.) with the help of one hot angel. What's there not to like?
There is also humor, and you all know how much i like humor. Dean bro you're hilarious, *cough*and also a perfect man for me.*cough*

The Vampire Diaries (2010 - ?)
Hot Blooded

All the hype about this show was getting on my nerves, Damon this, Damon that, so i started watching and i admit i was expecting it to suck. Then Ian Somerhalder appeared on my screen and BAM i was in love. I like vampires, that much is certain, and this is not a typical teen show that i though i'd be. The plot is interesting, and every character has depth.

True Blood (2008 - ?)
Thou Shall Not Crave Thy Neighbour

Much like Spartacus, sex, blood, sex and blood. :D But seriously it's a quality tv, and it's not all about blood and sex, that's only a bonus...oh and then there is Alexander Skarskgard, the GOD.
Now if they could only get rid of Beel. *sigh* Sookeh honey you can do better that that.
I'm tellin ya, i was a vampire in my past life, that's the only explanation why i love them this much. *shakes head*

The only other show i'd include a year or two years prior is Gossip Girl, but they fucked up that one so much. I always hated soap operas. I think only Dan and Jenny weren't together and that's cause they are brother and sister, but i'm afraid if the writers start watching Game of Thrones GoGi fans will get incest. *shudders*
Oh and look no Glee on my list *gasp* Now all of you are shocked (admit it), cause i'm one of those 3 people that don't watch (and never will) high school students dancing around.

tv show: game of thrones, tv show: the vampire diaries, tv show: legend of the seeker, tv show: camelot, art: picspam, tv show: spartacus, tv show: supernatural, tv show: merlin, tv show: true blood, tv show: buffy the vampire slayer, tv show: gilmore girls

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