And exams are finished for now. I miss two in June and then if all goes well, I'll say goodbye to Unifi... Tomorrow I'll have to go to administrative office to check that everything is alright with my file... I really would like to avoid problems due to lost exam minutes and such.
Right now we're planning the definitive schedule of the travel to Japan... So many things and such a little time to see 'em. Mostly it's cause of the concerts that steal us 4 afternoons but we'll manage to make everything fit in.
Here how my guide book looks now after yesterday's reading session... Blue mark for the cities where we'll sleep, yellow and pink marks for cities where we'll have a quick trip and low purple marks for important pages.
My OCD approves and drew so much pleasure from this that I feel happy only looking at the book cause now it's all nice and in order.
I've started to craft with Fimo Clay and I today I wanna go get a yellow and a green pack. And also white acrilyc paint to finish off the face of my poor OBJ boy, that still misses a face since 2005...
To Do List:
- Fimo crafting
- Finish off the trip planning
- Do my nails