26 || January 22nd, 2010

Jan 22, 2010 21:01

Today, I got written up and told to go to ~*ANGER MANAGEMENT*~ because I restrained a child.

Know why I was?

She was mad because someone said she said 'shit'. Which she DID (I was RIGHT THERE) and so she just pushed the other kid away and stormed out (with me following) just as my director came in. She slapped her phone out of her hand, slapped her, punched her, and then threw her phone into the wall.

Then she went after my Director AGAIN. So obviously, I was like "SHIT SHE'S GONNA HURT HER" so I held her back. It took a long time for her to calm down, and when she did we had her sit at my Supervisor's table.

Then my Director wrote me up.

The SAME Director who got the crap beaten out of her by a nine year old girl.

Later the girl's mom was just like "Did you grab her? Good. You should've beat her." FML.

argh, work

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