Well, I'm probably dropping almost everyone except for Renee, Charmy, and MAYBE Kururu...maybe. BIG maybe on him. Time is just...incredibly limited lately. And I doubt it'll just 'get better'. I have two hours for myself a day. Then SOMETIMES I'm available on weekends. I really don't want to just flake out but work is a bit more important than my general enjoyment of things.
Here's the remaining answers to the ones you guys couldn't guess with my last journal~
4. The entire cast succumbs to The Power Of Friendship. Characters from the company's least successful consoles drive the plot. Sonic Heroes
6. The man named after an erection has become old and unable to live up to the name. So he and another old man fight over drugs. Meanwhile, a whiny bitch (who is now a robot ninja) fights a gay vampire. Metal Gear Solid 4
8. Black mammal is unleashed and decides to destroy the world. Then changes his mind, after the fat man's dead grandfather gets close to achieve this. Sonic Adventure 2
9. A kid runs away from the circus, learns Psychic Powers by collecting random junk to earn merit badges, and must save the world from an angry midget and a mad dentist. Psychonauts I'm incredibly sad that no one commented on this. 8( Oh well.
14. Smug witch makes a Weirdness Magnet her bitch. xxxHOLIC
17. Illegal immigrants must stay hidden from the authorities, though they aren't very good at it. Sonic X
19. The Chosen One tries to stop The End Of The World As We Know It by becoming the Magic Knight version of Bin Laden, three sequels deal with new heroes trying to clean up his mess. Arc the Lad
andddd that's it! You guys got a lot of them! 8D
ALSO...apparently there is now
PORN FOR THE BLIND!? I'm....horribly amused. /immature