OOC: Info

Sep 09, 2009 21:33

Name: DA
Age/Birthdate (year included): see that dirt over there. I'm older than it!
Email: dark_angel_998@yahoo.com
AIM: DrakeKasteel
Journal: darkangel998

Name: Yagyuu Hiroshi
Age: 28
Occupation(s): art dealer, con artist, sometimes forger/thief
Personality: Yagyuu is rather much a gentleman. He is chivalrous to a fault. He holds doors for people and takes his hat off in the presence of ladies. He talks softly and calmly, never loud. Never out of place. He has fastidious manners and seems to be the crème of the very best etiquette training. He is serious and studious. He believes in fair play and the joys of the hunt. He is the sort of man anyone would want to take home to their mother, Down to earth. Polite. A true, honest to god gentleman…. And that’s what he wants you to think.

Yagyuu is a gentleman to a point. But there is a spot deep down within that loves trickery and deception. He loves games. He loves enigmas and riddles. He can be kind, but in his kindness, he can also be exceedingly cruel. He seems to talk down to people a lot and is rather condescending when he’s not wearing his gentleman mask. He enjoys taunting the authorities and laying traps. He indeed does love a good chase and he enjoys the danger and the planning it takes to outsmart the authorities and be just one step ahead. However, this is a face few ever see. This is the face of Hiroshi, hidden deep within himself. It is a rare person who can recognize his gentlemanly ways is just a well constructed façade. And an even more rare individual that can see through his well constructed mask to what lies under it.

Yagyuu hails from a long line of thieves and con artists. He has never known not lying through his teeth. He lived in a nice house because his parents scammed it off someone. He got an amazing education because his grandfather forged documents getting him into the best schools without paying all that tuition. From the birth certificate to his very last stitch of clothing, everything about Yagyuu’s life his one huge con job. Perpetuated by his family, from generations and generations. It was expected of him to continue on with the tradition. A tradition he was proud to keep. And where as it was merely a means to an end for most his family, Yagyuu made it unto an art form all it’s own. He took the best of everything and made it his very own.

He used whatever means necessary to slowly build himself a life of truth upon a foundation of total lies. He slowly forged a gentleman persona to hide the conartist and became someone people inherently trusted. He did it carefully, so that his tracks would not be covered, and so that he could live well and legitimately. His legitimate life was made slowly and painstakingly, working first for am auction house, authenticating items for sell. He specialized in art work. He moved from the auction house to actually selling paintings and other art pieces for a living as he grew in skill. He has been known to sell other high end items. This life keeps him above the board and keeps him visible in his gentleman persona.

But underground and under the table, Yagyuu is still a confidence man. His is also a forger and a thief. When a really high end expensive piece comes in to be sold, he will carefully forge a piece identical to it in every way. He will then sell the forgery. He will then turn around and sell the real piece to serious collectors at very private auctions. And sometimes, when he’s feeling really bold, he can manage to sell the same piece of art…to the same person who bought the fake one.
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