Oct 31, 2007 10:21
It's my goal to start posting more. I thought I would write in a journal, but typing tends to be much easier for me.
My 23rd birthday... "today is my one-hundred and eleventh birthday..." -Bilbo Baggins :)
Today (as of 9:45am) has been a blessing. Everyone has been so nice and at this point in my life, I could not possibly ask for anything more.
Last night I had my long awaited phone date with Kelly. It was later than planned, but I was stuck in Martinsville with my mom. She called after 8pm- neither one of us seemed to care that it was late. Her ability to be laid back in a friendship is really important to me, a good quality. While on the phone I explained my break up story. She told me about teaching and life in Charlotte. We talked about how our lives have changed, how Jasmine has been and how we watch over her, and planned for seeing each other throughout the year. She is visiting in less than two weeks, I am visiting her for spring break, and she wants to be in Bloomington next summer- duh, I suggested she live with me. :) It was a good talk. It really makes you think about your friendships with people and how they change, evolve, and affect you. It's so amazing to sit and think about.