
Nov 08, 2011 10:04

Po's Grace is a little tricky, so it's only fair that I write up a permissions post for him to fill out at your leisure.

Power Specific

1. Po's Grace leaves him with an incredibly minor ability of mind-reading, only working whenever someone is thinking about him specifically. Would you, as a mun, be against Po hearing these thoughts?

2. Po's Grace is almost entirely of perception, should he grow close to any of your characters would you be against him sensing their approach?

3. Would you be okay with Po sensing the intentions of your character, would they be hostile, friendly, or otherwise?

4. Po's Grace also allows him to perceive the kind of attacks your might make against him when fighting. Would you be okay with this?

General Questions

5. Would you be against Po occasionally threadjacking?

6. Are you okay with backtagging?

7. I'm not saying Po would do this but, would you be okay with him hugging your character?

game: sirenspull, permissions, !ooc

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