Dec 08, 2007 20:06
It's been a while - or at least a few days; here's the interesting deal though - I'm better. but still in a strange place. I'll have a few really good days, weeks, or a few accomplishments and then I'll begin to believe that life is handle-able then I will have a crash - I'll miss my med one day, fail at something minor or some other little hiccup will occur and I will crash. But things have gotten so much smoother recently that I am feeling super hopeful;
So this fall, I chose to focus upon my therapy and self-growth and put time into healing and reflection rather than completing my Ph.D applications. therefore, I am going to take a year off - finish my M.Div and apply for programs next year. This has many advantages - first, that I'll have an entire year to write my writing sample and personal statement; I'll be able to plan my recommendations more fully and I'll have the time and energy to properly prepare. Finally, I'll have a year to breathe. I'm going to do something fun, something comfortable, something that will stretch me, but will not challenge me. I am not seeking a new experience, but a sabbatical. I have sought new experiences for at least the last 5 years, one might say for the last 7 and NOW is time to rest, to truly allow my soul to find itself again.
so yeah... life is interesting, and good.