Sep 03, 2007 23:13
four days of hope...
and more important than hope, determination is returning. Things are getting better not only because I feel better, but because all of a sudden I'm beginning to feel like I have the personal strength and energy to BE and DO and FIGHT and STRUGGLE and SUCCEED again.
I am beginning to believe again that depression is NOT stronger than I am, and that God is present, and that not only will I grow PAST this place of struggle, but that I will grow stronger and will be HAPPY again.
Thank God. And thank you to all of you who walk this path with me, your support means so much.
School starts this week - I'm excited. Really excited about my classes, and beginning to feel hope about field ed... that will be an interesting adventure. (I don't have a site right now... but that story will be told when I do, so that I can tell it with a more full understanding of what is happening).
So, my future is certainly in the hands of God, and my ignorance about the details is no longer a source of unbearable stress. Faith returns with the determination (or maybe it was the return of faith which brought back the determination? hmmm....)
:-) thank God.