Dec 07, 2010 00:53
As I stared at the mirror, looking at the reflection, I was reminded that I am twenty-two this year. Thinking about the Worship Ministry Training we just had this evening, and the many phone calls I had to make to settle the rental of equipment, or to ask for a favour in driving the truck, I asked myself if all these were worth it. Giving up sleep, leisure, time, all to just stay on in this ministry when my gap with the youngest is seven years apart, I wonder if it is worthwhile. Then I thought to myself: if I want a less committed life, a more time for myself and every other thing life, I could just ask for a transfer. Yet, a stronger voice in me said: "If you want to grow, there is no space for comfort". So yea, as I have said many times, this isn't exactly the smoothest part of life now, but the growth that is going to come out of this is going to be really rewarding, and this is something that only I myself can decide to take on or to take an easier way out.
Tonight when we had coreteam meeting, I know that I am never alone in this, because together with me are my fellow comrades: Yaoguo, Nathaniel, Kaiwen, and Jerel who are also allowing themselves to be stretched in all areas and at the same time, giving their very best to grow this ministry :)
youth ministry,