May 31, 2004 06:03
so since i have no life or job, most of my time is spent watching movies on this mutant baller-shot-caller TiVo cable my parents decided to buy like ten minutes after I left for college (i like to call it little grace, the replacement).. and as i watched yet another classic piece of cinematic magic brought to me by lifetime television for women tonight, i realized that movies are completely skewing my notion of love. actually, they have been skewing my notion of love my entire life and now that i have reached an age where it's like, ok, about time to get a lil taste of that myself, it's even more detrimental. i clearly need to get out in the real world and have some relationships because the longer i let myself stew in hollywood romance-movie fantasy land, and the older i get without any sense of the REALITY of love and relationships, the harder the crash is going to be when i realize that nobody's ever gonna love me like they love each other in movies. and i don't mean that in a sad way or self pitying way at all, i mean that in a realistic, real people making a relationship work kind of way. i just think that letting go of this perfect image of love that makes me all mushy inside that i'm MARINATING myself in day in and day out these days is going to be harder and harder to let go the longer i hold on to it.
and that was my moment of self-contemplation for the day, night, ridiculous point in time to be concious.
mark it.
YO SWEEET contemplative is actually a choice in the mood menu.