Dec 05, 2005 13:00
There are no words to describe the concert last night. Incredible, amazing, fantabulous, freaking ridiculous.... nope, none do it justice. He rocked and I am officially a fan for life. He is so talented and hilarious and I just don't even know what to say. The 8 hours of driving was totally worth it.
On another note, Rachel and I came up with a new ride idea for the "Holy Land" theme park in Orlando. Kind of like the dueling dragons at Islands of Adventures but with Jesus and Satan. And you get to pick to either go on the "Satan Coaster" or the "Jesus Coaster" but Jesus would always get you safely to the end and Satan would always break down and leave you hanging upside down or fly off the tracks. I feel as if, it would be a great way to teach children and adolescents the dangers of following Satan's ways, which is eternal death. I am sure that most Southern Baptist would love this idea as well. Anyways, I am thinking about proposing this to the "Holy Land" Corporation... so let me know your thoughts.