ambulance volante pt 1

Jul 10, 2010 09:06

On a sudden whim I decided to make an ambulance volante, or flying ambulance, as invented by Dominique Jean Larrey, surgeon-in-chief to Napoleon's army.  He designed them in the 1790s, and I've always loved them and him.


Larrey's design.  This, and a couple of other drawings, and historic descriptions are all I've found to work from.

Walls with sliding shutters

Dry fit with roof in progress.  Wheels by Wood Hollow Crafts, everything else by me.

Dry fit with canvas roof covering.

Leather padding.  In the background is also the leather mattress and the "tarred" canvas roof.

Inside view

More to come later!

( Part 2)

ambulance volante, miniatures, historic medicine

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