Application for Project Intrepid

Apr 10, 2011 17:58

Player information

What should we call you?: - (Ask privately please)
Your age? - A lady never tells.
How did you hear about us? We are just curious. - IRC
AIM/Email: IRC or LJ PM

Character Information

Character's name: Anna (Milton)
Character's LJ : grace_optional
What fandom is your character from? Supernatural
Character age: (Apparent) +/- 25. (Actual) Very, very old.

Character Stuffing

Character personality:

Quiet and far more sympathetic than most angels, Anna has a generally somber disposition and is inclined to take a somewhat bleak outlook. Despite this, her will to survive is strong and she will act with fierce determination in pursuit of her goals. Having spent time as a human (and returned to angelic status only reluctantly) she understands the species well and wishes to preserve them; she values all human emotion, even the negative ones. She holds a bitter resentment of other angels generally and (perhaps to a lesser extent) of God, and while she has no more love for demons than the next celestial, she has shown herself willing to tolerate them if pragmatism demands it.

Brief character history:

When Anna first encountered the Winchester brothers, she was human, did not remember her angelic origin and was being hunted by both demons (because of her ability to hear angels speaking among themselves) and angels (because, desiring the freedom of will and emotion humans had, she had disobeyed, surrendered her grace and fallen to Earth, the worst crime an angel could commit.) Sam and Dean won her gratitude by protecting her from both factions and helping her retrieve her grace, becoming an angel again.

She treated them as allies, shared information, offered advice, had a one-night stand with Dean and, for a while, tried to persuade Castiel to abandon his allegiance to Heaven and throw in with them instead, even going so far as to kill their brother Uriel who was trying to kill him. Though sometimes displaying doubt, he treated her with contempt and finally turned her in as a traitor shortly before rebelling himself. She was tortured and eventually released (probably deliberately, though she isn't sure) and is still very bitter.

Nevertheless, when it appeared that there were no other viable options, she later tried to enlist his help in killing Sam (who was slated to become Lucifer's vessel and bring about the Apocalypse,) only to be told that if she came near Sam Castiel would kill her. Instead, she traveled back in time to prevent Sam's birth, Cas and the boys followed to try to stop her, Anna was killed by the archangel Michael.

Anna hates the corrupt Heavenly hierarchy, embodied by the likes of Michael, Zachariah and Raphael, but her feelings toward God are ambivalent. She wants to believe that her Father really does care for all of his creations and has a plan that will one day be revealed, but she has never seen his face and has lonely memories of two millennia spent stationed on Earth alone and invisible, observing and waiting for orders from a Father she didn't even know. She doesn't believe (and has been known to say so canonically) that God condones the terrible things Heaven has been doing in his name, but she also doesn't understand why he has allowed the situation to deteriorate so badly.

Anna is both an ages-old warrior of God and also a fairly fragile young human woman who has lost her family and everything she knew, and those two aspects of her personality will not always mesh harmoniously. Add to this her distinctly horrible death, the impending destruction of her world and the fact that she has every reason to believe the few friends she had now hate her. Nevertheless, when she hasn't been forced to curb the impulse under duress, she is easily moved to sympathy and will try to rebuild bridges if it seems possible.

Character's appearance:

Anna has bright red hair and fair skin, large, expressive hazel eyes, stands about 5'6" and weighs around 115 pounds. She typically dresses in subdued colors and plain, utilitarian styles with an occasional frilly feminine accent.


Anna is an angel by species, if no longer by profession. Unlike other angels, she possesses a body of her own, but presumably if this is destroyed she retains the ability (with consent) to possess another vessel. Her powers include telekenesis, possibly pyrokinesis, enhanced strength, extreme endurance, telepathy, dream manipulation, teleportation, time travel (with difficulty,) the ability to see and hear other angels (the latter even at a distance) and to perceive other unseen beings, effects and events, to put a human harmlessly to sleep, and some knowledge of Enochian magic and probably the names of all the true Prophets. She doesn't need to eat or sleep. As she was never restored to Heaven's good graces and her exact power level relative to most other angels is unknown, she may or may not be able to heal humans, to exorcise demons, to retrieve a soul from Hell, to "read" a soul present in a living person or to resurrect someone. Canon events suggest that angels can heal their own vessels and accoutrements and/or each other, but this has not been shown on-screen. She is a competent fighter, though the extent of her skills has not been thoroughly explored in canon.

Weaknesses: Anna can be banished or warded off using Enochian sigils, wounded or killed by an angelic blade, and other sigils branded into a person can hide their location from her. She can be trapped in a circle of flaming holy oil, the fire of which will kill her. Presumably the chants used by Alastair and the Whore of Babylon against Castiel would affect her as well. She was canonically immolated by Michael, but it's safe to assume another archangel could explode her to the same effect. It's a matter for debate whether angels generally can be killed by the Colt pistol or if Lucifer is the only one immune. The scythe of Death can supposedly kill anything, and certain specialized weapons of Heaven's arsenal have been shown to destroy angelic vessels. Although ordinary wounds do not hamper her, her mortal body can sustain damage, so in theory enough severe injuries might render it useless.

If Anna has had a personal weakness to date, it's Castiel. Formerly his (and Uriel's) superior in the Heavenly Host, she has consistently overestimated his ability or willingness to accept things that appear self-evident to her, and at one time placed more trust in him than proved justified. She has been visibly hurt by his distrust and disapproval. Whether any of this holds true at present remains to be seen.


First person:

So, this is it? Seriously? After everything, no Heaven, no Hell...just some grungy little hole-in-the-wall dimension full of rejects from bad horror movies and all the people who least want to see me?

I mean, if it's a punishment, I get that, but how the heck do Dean and the others rate the same treatment? this just...all that's left?

[Looks skyward, out of habit more than anything] Thanks, Dad, it's great to know you really do care after all.

It's hilarious, really. Great joke. I disobeyed and Fell, questioned everything, broke every rule in the book and somehow it turns out I still had too much faith in you.

Third Person:

Anna woke with a whooping gasp followed by an ear-splitting shriek, clutching at her chest as the memory of holy immolation came rushing back in full Technicolor, surround-sound detail.

Organs shriveling, skin peeling, grace going up in smoke along with everything else. John Winchester's face, framing Michael's ageless, serene gaze, the last sight to meet her eyes before they combusted.

Crumbled to ash without so much as a shadowy imprint of wings to mark her passing. Pretty sorry ending to a lifetime that had spanned millennia, she thought.

She had died, no question of that. She didn't feel any different, but then neither did souls when they arrived in Heaven, so she couldn't really use that as any kind of evidence.

Which left her...where?

Climbing slowly to her feet, she looked around, shoving a strand of long red hair absently behind her ear. This was no Heaven she knew, and it hardly matched any description of Hell she'd ever heard.

Not that she'd been expecting to wind up in either place, really. As far as she knew, angels didn't have souls. If they were destroyed, barring the Creator's personal intervention, that was pretty much it. Then again, to her knowledge, only one angel had ever made it back from beyond the threshold, and if he remembered any details of note he sure hadn't chosen to share it with her.

That, or anything else. Ungrateful bastard. Shoulda just let Uriel finish him off. she didn't mean that, but it felt good to think it anyway.


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