Mar 30, 2007 23:30
I think I've been having a lot of regret lately or something. ha. It's something I should know I guess, but I don't. I'm so unsure of my feelings towards certain things it gets annoying.
We really did buy that townhouse and now I have to sit here unsure to take the second job or not because I have no idea when I'm moving. I don't know when this house will sell.
I could go on about band and my feelings towards it, but that would make me seem like a band geek. heh. Mr Richter is kind of lame though. I don't get him sometimes. It doesn't help that I've known him outside of school. David... oh David. He made himself hate me. He basically totally disowned me as a friend just because of one thing that he said he'd help me with and he never did. I've lost all respect for him.
I have a bad habit of letting my past come back? Whether it be people, habits, issues. I dont know.
My head hurts.
I want something. I can't have it. I just can't.
I put in my housing information to Northwestern. It's all happening. I just have to make sure I pass my distance ed classes...
This is a really lame entry. Sorry.