I'm so Victorian

Jan 23, 2006 10:29

This weekend was a weird one to say the least.
After a 60 hour work week, I had to pretty much go straight to playing a show on friday. I've been playing in Marie & Francis as of the last two weeks. Between working so much and practice, I haven't had much time to relax, so i was a bit exhausted, but excited none the less. I somehow pulled it together and had a really great time playing. It's really very nice to be in a band and playing shows again, as uncomfortable as I probably look onstage.
Saturday I finally got to spend some time with my baby whom I hadn't seen all week. We had a nice breakfast at the majestic, even though our waiter dumbly brought out my food without the eggs and we had to overhear a very loud woman talk about blood transfusions at the next table. yech.
SO oslo was fun. Saw a girl puke on the dance floor. that was pretty raunchy.
THEN betty and I go home. She had made these brownies earlier (I ate three and a half earlier on) and they were sitting on the stove when we got home. They smelled so delicious as we entered our apartment that we had to have some. Unfortunately the oven had been left on the whole time we were gone, so they had dried out quite a bit. After digging away with a spatula for a while, she grabbed a knife. before I even realized what she was doing she had cut her thumb really deeply. Me being as squeamish as I am I'm trying not to look and get her the hydrogen peroxide and a bandaid before we realize how serious it is. So we decided we are going to the emergency room because she might need stitches. (okay now i am squirming just writing this) I had a drink or two in my system so I think it grossed me out a little less at the time, because I was able to look at it and not totally freak. THEN we wait in the emergency room. And after I remind them of our presence in the empty waiting room after a half hour which seems like four, they start checking her in. At this point I am starting to feel a little dizzy, but I figure it's just the alcohol wearing off and the lack of sleep over the last week, and decide I should just sit down. As we are waiting near the Emergency room check in, I see this guy wandering around with huge q-tip shapes on the end of his arms. He has big bloody jousting tips and he's walking around like it's just any old day and he's feeling fine. He was probably loaded on valium or some such thing. Then this other woman started throwing up, and Betty is telling me how she is dizzy and I start thinking about how much blood she is losing, and he is loosing, and i start loosing it. So i put my head down, and next thing I know I am dreaming in fast-forward and then Betty is standing above me, outlined in bright lights, saying my name, while a nurse is holding my arm. All of the sudden they are bringing me a wheelchair and they take me into the check in room and take my blood pressure. I can barely hold my eyes open or my head up. This is when they all look at each other dramatically and go silent. Moments later I am on a stretcher and they angle it to elevate my feet. I feel like the biggest idiot in the world and I'm sweating like nobody's business. The cute nurse guy asks me if I want a blanket and I exclaim "no, I am SOOOO hot" and this other bystander nurse says "If only my supervisor heard you say that, he'd be here flirting with you all night" which was pretty disgusting considering I was green and covered in sweat and smelling like oslo. Then I slurred to Betty "nesst time we goh to the hosspial we'll get someon elsse to tae you." I totally stole the next available room and felt so guilty for it. I felt like such a terrible friend, with my feet elevated and the nurses holding a straw to my mouth. It took an hour for them to be okay with my blood pressure, and then the nurse told me that my results indicated that I was "this close" to going into Cardiac Arrest. "http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4481" After another hour, they wheeled me back to Betty (my eyes shielded as we strolled down the hallway). We really had to laugh at what a crazy and surreal night we were having, though then the nurse came in and laughed at me too. She seemed really happy that we were actually laughing, which probably doesn't really happen in the emergency room that often, but after hearing our stories, decided to share a really gruesome and totally inappropriate story to tell someone who had just passed out from the sight of blood. As much as I wanted to be there for Betty while she was getting her stitches, I had to leave and go to the waiting room because I am such a little baby. Finally around 8am we were able to leave and curl up in our respective beds as the sun rose. Betty is doing okay, and I am okay, just a little freaked out about putting myself into Cardiac Arrest some time. Whew.
And if you made it through that entire story, good job!
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