Dec 07, 2007 08:13
So, I yoinked this survey from a MySpace bulletin (I'm on there a lot more lately - Rakus's sister can't figure out what to get him for Christmas, so she keeps MySpace commenting me about it - you can read them!). My boss wants me to make a super complicated and stupid flow chart, and I'm being pissed off that he wants me to, so I'm doing this instead!
1. I'm sure we all know what your name is... so, tell us what your boss's name ?
2. Do you actually read your friend's surveys, or do you just copy paste them and fill them out yourself?
I read them. Especially the ones that are a little bit different.
3. Which is your favorite episode of "I Love Lucy"?
I hate that show. Like, HATE.
5. Do you consider yourself a deep thinker?
Not in the least
6. Name three people who you are closest with?
Rakus... Katie... Um, like, my mom?
7. Which one of those three people would you eat first, if you were starving?
That's just horrible... and I knew this was coming. Mom?
8. How many red shirts would you say you own, off the top of your head?
Not a lot. They're all Richmond shirts, though.
9. No one cares whether or not you believe in love at first sight... but, do you believe in hate at first sight?
Yes, totally
10. If you said yes to the last question, do you think that the reason you are so hateful and judgmental is because you didn't receive enough love when you were a child?
11. How old will you be in 2021?
39. And I'll probably be 39 in 2021 too.
12. Would you rather be tone deaf or color blind?
Color blind. 'Cause then LA and I could have some sort of color blind-off.
13. When do you think is the proper time in a relationship to give the other person your business card?
This really seems like a weird question. In a business relationship, it would be when you meet. But why would you give out your business card in a non-business relationship?
14. When you were a kid, which comic strip was your favorite?
Far Side, probably.
15. You can only wear a sock on one foot for the rest of your life... which foot ?
16. How many words can you make out of the letters of your name?
Not a lot. A. I. Um, sec, sac. Ass. Ess. Alright, I'm out.
17. How do you feel about fake plants?
People should dust them more often.
18. What is your obsessive compulsion?
I have literally the most bizarre lists sometimes (to do lists that you wouldn't believe if I showed them to you).
20. Do you know what the heck the difference is between the statements "we're just dating" and "we're together"?
Yeah. Like, "We're just dating" means it's really casual, and it's okay to bang other people. But "we're together" means no on-the-side banging.
21. When you think, do you see the words that you are thinking in your mind, as if they were being written down?
My thoughts tend to come like movies. I see my thoughts acting out.
22. If a person is brought up speaking both Spanish and English in equal amounts and equally fluently, which language do they think in?
How would I know? I don't speak a word of Spanish.
23. Does it make you uncomfortable when people ask you your shoe size?:
24. Would you feel guilty about cheating on your taxes if you got away with it?:
I don't know... It's a tricky question. Not just that I would have more money, but also that there are things that tax money goes to that I don't approve of. But my dad does my taxes, so I don't think I'll be cheatin'.
25. You are walking on the beach when suddenly you find a genie lamp. You rub it, and out pops the genie. He proclaims that he is so thankful to you for letting him out after thousands of years that he gives you three wishes. What do you think he did with his time while he was in there?
Watched TV?
26. If you had braces, would you put little diamonds on your brackets and call them your "grill"?
Oh, my God. I love this. I would not, but I would love it if someone I know DID.
27. You have 24 hours to live... what are you going to wear?
28. Which is worse... someone blowing cigarette smoke in your face, or kissing someone who has dip in their mouth?
Ew, dip.
29. Had you ever answered any of these questions before?
30. Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced?
31. Who were you with last night?
Rakus and Pominville. Also, I figured out yesterday that her full name (Pominville Martinich Rakus) makes her initials PMR - Pommer. Which I call her all the time anyway!
32. What woke you up this morning?
The kitten. She wanted to play fetch (which is the cutest thing EV
33. Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor?
Totally, yeah
40 of the MOST spontaneous questions ever. [BE HONEST]
1. Where were you 2 hours ago?
In bed.
2. What do you think of your last kiss?
I'm trying to think... It was okay.
3. Do you kiss a lot of people?
4. Are you wearing socks right now?
Yes - they're pink and fuzzy
5. When was the last time you went out of state?
We went to Indiana, like, a month ago.
6. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
7. What was the last alcoholic thing you had to drink?
I had a Hollywood Martini at the 'Tini Wed. night - it wasn't that great.
8. Who was the last person to hear you cry?
The kitten? She woke me up and I was very upset.
9. Who was the last person to make you smile?
First of all, the person I snagged this from answered "Ryan Whitney," and that made me laugh. And not just because I actually know who Ryan Whitney is. But it's totally a Nathan answer. Plus, like, Rakus was in top form this morning.
10. What was the last food you ate?
Peppermint ice cream with green sprinkles and chocolate sprinkles
12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
13. Do you have a pet?
yes - we've got 5 fish and little Pomin-kitten.
14. What did you do last night?
Watched hockey. Stayed up late, because the Sabres were playing in LA, meaning a 9:30 start. Oh, I'm a dork, I just edited Nathan's answer to reference the right teams. Other things I did - had dinner, watched the Top Chef holiday special.
16. If you could be anywhere you want where would it be?
At home? It snowed last night, and being out and about in the cold and snowy doesn't make me happy.
There's no 17th question. Does that bother you?
A little. That's why I put this question in.
18. One thing you hate about yourself?
I hate to ask for help, so oftentimes I just make things harder for myself.
19. What does the 10th text in your inbox say?
I don't think I've gotten 10 texts in the time I've had that phone.
20. Do you miss anyone?
Lots of someones
21. Last movie you saw?
Hmm... the last one I saw in theatres was 3:10 to Yuma. The last one I saw at home... Kill Bill, maybe? I wanted to see it again.
22. What are your plans for tomorrow?
Wee, weekend! I have to pick up a Christmas gift for charity, and I think we're going to get the oil changed in our cars.
23. Did you have fun today?
Um, it's 8:30. I've been awake for a hour and a half. I mean, I enjoyed playing fetch with the cat, but I hope today gets better, you know?
24. Who is your last text message from?
25. Were you an honor roll student in school?
26. What do you know about the future?
Um... 2008 is going to kick so much ass (Galactica season four AND I'm getting married)
27. Who was the last person you rode in a car with?
Rakus. I took him to work as a reward for him helping me clean off my car this AM
29. Do you have a tan?
Not really (it's December), but I still have my tan lines from my sunburn from...the Wisconsin game? Penn State? One of those
31. Did you meet anyone new today?
Not yet
32. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
Yes, 1 and 3.
33. How do you like your soda?
I try not to drink soda. And here, it's called "pop"
34. Who was the last person to make you cry?
Probably Rakus. But it was probably in a good way
35. What did you do today?
Woke up and drove to work.
36. What day is tomorrow?
37. What is your current mood?
Apathetic (this marks the return of Optimus Prime the Emotions Cat)
38. Do you like someone?
Maybe a little
40. Why are/ aren't you with them
Well, I'm in him in the relationship sense, but we're both at work, so we're not occupying the same space right now.