you are the surf that i am walking towards: master post

Oct 01, 2008 22:42

you are the surf that i am walking towards.
rps; jared/jensen
wc; ~ 14,600
rating; adult
status; four parts, complete, & to be posted as quickly as possible!
disclaim; fiction is amazing and i abuse its power to my own delights.

Summary; This story begins at the end of the shooting schedule for season 4. It spans the hiatus to follow and goes into the start of season 5. It also works under the theory that Kripke is going to finish the series in five seasons - which, who knows.

The timeline is slightly off, because I wrote the majority of this before Jared & Sandy broke their engagement. I liked it too much to change anything.

Jared is riddled with anxiety over what he sees as the beginning of the end to Supernatural and everything that goes with it. He has doubts about his engagement, he has a best friend who means the world to him, and he has a finite amount of time in which to decide what to do about both.

Warning; Dog death. Sorry.

AN; I am beta-less, so this went through dozens of rewrites. I started this during my stay in L.A. earlier this year, from February to April. It is now October. I take too long writing things. But at least I finished - glory. Hallelujah!

you are the surf that I am walking towards.

01 || the golden state wins again

02 || they take shape and they tend to get better with time

03 || this has become a weakness

04 || maybe it's time i settle

fic: surf, fic: spn j2, master post

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