Jul 07, 2004 10:23
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg computer app class thing-a-majig-er. i finished all of my work. i'd much rather be playing UT
(Unreal Tournament) right now. gr gr gr gr gr. i wish they had UT on this thing. stupid THING. i mean sure it's windows 2000 but fucking hell does this monitor suck. i kind of like this keyboard. the keys make lots of noise. i love the noise keyboards make. only sometimes, though.
i wish i had a little midget who would run in and say "zee plane! zee plane!" and bring me a copy of UT. oh wait, copies for other people are ILLEGAL. we learned that on the first day. but it's not like it stops anyone. "oh no! i'm sorry, i can't make you a copy, it's illegal." yeahokaywhatever. ooooh i would name the midget randall. or...jenkins. but jenkins is for old british butlers. maybe randolph. hmm...