Feb 20, 2007 21:53
01. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
02. I respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
03. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
05. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions
1. What made you want to be a police officer?
Ever since I was around 7 or even younger I have always liked watching Cop movies and always wanted to play "cops" with my brother. Also, my father died before I was born because he was drinking and driving and I don't want anyone else to grow up not knowing who their real father is because of a wrong choice like that. Yeah it's bad that I take people for jail for it but I always explain to them that I feel like I have just saved their life and maybe the life of someone else by doing it.
2. What do you really think about Kayla's randomness?
Kayla's randomness......hmmm, I think that it's something that makes her who she is and I think that it's kinda cute. I feel like I love her for who she is and the radnomness is something that we both just have to deal with.
3. How do you deal with crazies like me? :p
crazies like you???? I don't think your crazy by all means. If you mean crazies on the street then I can't explain how I deal with them on here really, it something that you would have to see to understand.
4. How did you become friends with James and Co.?
well, this is a long story really. I knew James in high school and we use to play Hackey Sac together before class started but we never really talked. Then I went on a field trip with the Art Club and I met Zac Walter and we became good friends there (for the whole story ask me in person it is long) Then me and Zac started hanging out and he was friends with James and that's how we became friends.
5. In 10 years, where will you be?
Wow, the in 10 years question. I really can't say for sure, but hopefully I will be one of these two things. 1)Be the Sheriff of Knox County or 2) Be a deputy with the United States Marshall's Office