Oct 27, 2005 13:53
I did get good news to day. Not only did my best friend Larry get hired with the Sheriff's Department with me but he is going to be on my shift! That is goign to be so great. It may just be temp. that he is working on the same shift as me, but then again it's better than nothing. We live near eachother too so car pooling is an option.
I emailed Sara today. I probably shouldn't have but I felt compelled to do so. Dang thoughts that bother me until I do them. It's not like i expect to get anywhere with the email but it was a note saying I still am thinking of you and Love you.
I should stop there because there is enough LJ drama going on and I don't wish to add to it at all because other people have their own problems and don't need to see I still have mine. I wish the best for all of you.