Mar 23, 2014 20:36

so sing all your questions to sleep
the answers are out there • in the drowning deep

01. HOODOO | muse

And I've had recurring nightmares
That I was loved for who I am
And missed the opportunity
To be a better man

02. PINS AND NEEDLES | the birthday massacre
We have a serious departure in tone from the last disc, when everything was sweet country and everything was lovely. Right off the bat we have hoodoo and nightmares and things tearing apart, as a sense of foreboding and danger sets in early on.

It's always a nightmare, it's never a dream
The promise we made to kill the days between
They live in the heartbeat and sleep til the light is gone

It's been so long
Feels like pins and needles in my heart
So long
I can feel it tearing me apart

03. THE OFFBEAT OF AVENUES | the manhattan transfer
Some edgy jazz about streets and avenues, as we come to rest in our smoky New Orleans setting.

Big blues in the city
Trailin' the main stroll (a kitty)
Cup o' joe, get witty
At Deuce's Cafe
It's the mostest hideaway

This canary has got a frame
And some high-jiver knows her name
Cats all friskin' their whiskers, ow
I collar all jive, give me five
So I know you're alive

In the dim you've arrived

04. RELEASE ME | jack's mannequin
This song is for Ty, and how he's kind of put himself in a situation that's going to rip him to pieces, caught between all his loyalties.

Now I'm in trouble with these friends of mine
A change was in my blood, I lost my sense of direction
I dragged us to the bright light, life is like a TV show
My fuse is set, I'm pressing go, your match is lit but it's burning slow

Release me and take another piece of me and there won't be another left
C'mon release me, release me take another piece of me
And there won't be another left unless you let go

05. MAN BITES GOD | envy and other sins
Introducing Liam Bell!

Ladies and gentlemen,
It's good to meet again,
It's good to get you in one place
Don't think about your lies, left in the cold outside
You have no name, you leave no trace.

In times of mass hysteria keep track of your friends
But keep your enemies nearer lest they start pretending
That they always loved you, right from the start
And try to claim it back off you

We're rotten to the core, we're all the same
We are scum, you were like us
But when did you become so righteous?
Let's do a roaring trade, 'til the day the Messiah comes
And stops us having fun.

This is Ty to Liam, and a little bit of Zane to Ty, as he realizes that there's yet another nest of lies and untruths that have been hidden from him. But mostly it's Ty's trepidation and messy knot of emotions regarding Liam's reappearance in his life. (And where, with Zane, their walls are his safety and grace - these walls are not just going to be broken, but destroyed.)

Can I believe
When I don't trust
All your theories
Turn to dust
I choose to hide
From the all seeing eye

Destroy this City of Delusion
Break these walls down
I will avenge
Justify my reasons
With your blood

07. LIE TO ME | sara bareilles
This song is bitter and cynical and cutting, because Zane is past being surprised that Ty has more secrets.

And if there's anything I learned
That will keep me standing
If I take you at your word
Then I'm empty handed
A tongue like yours should be burned and branded
So I can see you lie to me
I wish the air would color red
When you breathe it in
And so I could have seen it coming
Look in my eyes when you say you love me
So I can see you lie to me

08. AGAIN | my darkest days
Ty feels like he's always the one fucking things up.

We can try and talk but the fighting always gets in the way
(The crying never stops cuz the fighting always gets in the way)
There’s no need to clean it up cause it’s all running down the drain
(Everything is lost when it’s all running down the drain)

We turn harmony into silence
Over love the love the love the love
Which led harmlessly into violence
Over love the love the love the love
Hearts will always break
They're fragile in design

09. WHO ARE YOU, REALLY? | mikky ekko
Finding out about Ty's past in New Orleans, and Zane's interaction with him, kind of tips the balance between them and makes Zane feel like whatever solid footing he has is gone. Everything about this mix, and this book, is that everything solid starts buckling, and when Zane thought he knew where they stood, he's suddenly underwater again.

Now you're moving on and you say you're alone
Suspicious that this string is moving your bones
We are the fire, we see how they run
See how they run, lift me higher, let me look at the sun
Look at the sun and once I hear them clearly, say

Who, who are you really?
And where, where are you going?
I've got nothing left to prove
Cause I've got nothing left to lose
See me bare my teeth for you
See me bare my teeth

10. BREATHING UNDERWATER | gabriel mann
Uneasiness, drowning, complicated fights that have no easy answers.

Now how will they hold on?
Hold on to another night together
How will they hold on?
Hold on when they're breathing underwater

In the morning as they stumble out of night
There's a moment when they find themselves connecting
So they take the chance to try and make it right
Gotta breathe to keep from drowning

11. COME UNDONE | my darkest days / duran duran
This is for that sex scene when everything is wrong, nothing is resolved, but they come together anyway, rip at each other in a way that has nothing to do with pleasure (but it does).

Immaculate dream
Made of breath and skin
I've been waiting for you
Signed with a whole tattoo
Happy birthday to you
Was created for you

I cant help but keep from falling apart
At the seams
I cannot believe their taking my heart
Into pieces

Ohh it might take a little time,
Might take a little crime
To come undone
Now we'll try to stay blind
To the hope and fear outside
Hey child, stay wilder than the wind can blow me in
To crime

Who do you need
Who do you love
When you come undone

12. NOW OR NEVER | josh groban
This is the aftermath of that terrible fight, looking around at the pieces and thinking, it's now or never, it's this or nothing.

Sweeping eggshells still at 3 A.M.
We're trying far too hard
The tattered thought balloons above our heads
Sinking in the weight of all we need to say
Why's and what if's have since long played out
Left us short on happy endings

And it's no one's fault
There's no black and white
Only you and me
On this endless night
And as the hours run away
With another life
Oh, darling can't you see
It's now or never
It's now or never

This song is about them each putting aside their hurt and choosing to move on, together. To forgive each other's imperfections - because love isn't the simple thing of last book, it's messy, it's uneven, a new start doesn't mean that the problems stop existing. But if you can forgive them, if you can forgive yourself, you'll be all right.

It's not a solid, not a soft thing
To pull the wool up like a smoke screen
Nobody does it like a prophet
It's gone before you know you lost it
There are reasons you keep your hands tied
There's certain things you shouldn't have tried
So if you gotta tell me something
You better go from the beginning

We all forget to sleep
And crash at someone's feet
Everybody skips a beat
We let the chances pass
The few we held so fast
Everybody breaks a glass

14. PONTCHARTRAIN | vienna teng
Aside from the obvious, this is also perfectly indicative of the creeping, uncertain, muffled wet underwater pain that soaks this whole book.

Lake Pontchartrain is haunted:
Bones without names, photographs framed in reeds

What blood our veins are holding
The overpass frozen, fires ablaze at sea

Who drew the line?
Who drew the line that cuts to the skin, buries me in?
Tell me who drew the line
Darling, don't close your eyes

15. BLEEDING OUT | imagine dragons
And in the showdown, Ty will never not be willing to put himself in danger to protect the ones he loves.

When the day has come
That I've lost my way around
And the seasons stop and hide beneath the ground
When the sky turns gray
And everything is screaming
I will reach inside
Just to find my heart is beating

Oh, you tell me to hold on
Oh, you tell me to hold on
But innocence is gone
And what was right is wrong

16. TOUCH AND GO | dana mase
In addition to the title, this song really is perfect - learning to let things go, that you can't hold onto things. It's Ava's death song, it's the song that reminds us that 'love will never change' is unrealistic, that things won't always be beautiful - but that doesn't mean they're not important.

There was this boy
I used to know
Kiss him and tasted
Like the new-fallen snow
There must be some prayer that can
Love will never change
Happy endings for me

I put out my hand to hold the snow
But you can't hold love 'cause it's
Touch and go

I sat on her bed
Stroked her soft hair
Her eyes were closed, but
I knew she was somewhere with me
I never said the right words, but now my tears
Carry all the feelings that I held back for years

Why is it hard to let her go?
Everything in this world is so mortal

There must be some prayer that can guarantee
She'll be all right
She is free
She is free

You can't hold beauty and you can't hold love
You can't hold life, you can't hold death and you
Can't hold wind, you can't hold time, you can't hold

'Cause it's
Touch and go

17. PEACE AND HATE | the submarines
This song wraps up the dichotomy of accepting that a relationship isn't perfect, but that doesn't mean it's broken - the storm will pass.

You had your doubts, we had our rows
Said our goodbyes but now we're taking vows

Sometimes we glide, sometimes we fall
And there are times we don't get up at all

I should be gone, cast away
But still I love you through all peace and hate
In light of all darkest things
The fire glimmers and the darkness sings

If you should go
I won't have you to blame for my unhappiness for darker days
When will I learn
It's not your fault
'Cause breaking down cannot be cured by breaking up
'Cause breaking down cannot be cured by breaking up

Yell and shout and kick me out
Then forget what we fought about
But don't give up
This storm is passing

18. NAÏVE ORLEANS | anberlin
Once again, this song would mean something else in another context. But this is the song of Zane going home without Ty, of learning how to live without him - in a good way. To learn how to take the lessons he's learned about himself and make himself strong, for his own sake, not just because he's afraid of losing Ty. Being confident that Ty will come back, that time apart doesn't mean it's over.

Come and go now as you please
Your actions write the melodies
To the songs that we sing
And you just sing

Well I finally found that life goes on without you
And my world still turns when you're not around
And I finally found that life goes on without you
And my world still turns when you're not around

19. HARBOR | vienna teng
But if Ty is Zane's compass, Zane is the anchor, the lighthouse, the one waiting on the shore for Ty to come home to. This is the title song, because when all's said and done - the drowning deep isn't where things end, it's where the truth was found, where things came together. It's in uncertainty and danger that Ty and Zane were able to make their connection stronger, and they guide each other home.

Fear is the brightest of signs
The shape of the boundary you leave behind
So sing all your questions to sleep
The answers are out there in the drowning deep

You've got a journey to make
There's your horizon to chase
So go far beyond where we stand
No matter the distance
I'm holding your hand

Sail your sea
Meet your storm
All I want is to be your harbor
The light in me
Will guide you home
All I want is to be your harbor

20. ANYTHING | mae

It's the light that strikes
That burns inside of me
It's a blinding light
But somehow I can see, again
When I've lost my way
It's becoming very clear
And its coming around again

Every now and again sometimes
I get lost on the wind of a dream
The air gets clean and the seas get wide
And I can do anything
The pain it won't even cross my mind
There is wonder in everything
The rope gets loose and the chains unbind
And I can do anything

00. DOWNLOAD | ♥ igrab

fandom: cut and run, + i promise you walls, pairing: ty/zane

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