Apr 10, 2012 20:15

•01 RIVER [Akron/Family]

Percy doesn't understand love, yet. Not like Nico does. Not when it's your whole body and soul and something black and fierce and heavy in your chest. He doesn't know what it's like to love someone so hard that you cannot, physically, be without them, to love them so much that jealousy doesn't even factor into it. Nico can't be jealous. He doesn't want Percy's puppy crush, he wants the all and the everything and the forever. He wants to be the only thing in the universe Percy can possibly think about.

And you are now a vast and open sea
And my mind travels you endlessly
And you beckon, toss and toss and swallow me.

•02 TIDAL WAVE [Owl City]

"It's just - I know what it's like, to not have anyone. I know what it's like to feel looked down on and hated and blamed for stuff that you have no control over. I know what it's like to just... really want to be with someone, to spend time with them, someone who doesn't judge, doesn't criticize, where you can just be and you don't have to think about it and." Percy seemed to realize he'd started to babble, and quickly busied himself again.
"Look, it isn't his fault."

It hurts just to wake up, whenever you're wearing thin
Alone on the outside, so tired of looking in
The end is uncertain and I've never been so afraid
But I don't need a telescope to see that there's hope
And that makes me feel brave

•03 MEET ME AT MY WINDOW [Jack's Mannequin]

"It was the stupidest thing. I'd seen the cake before, just minutes ago, inside - but there was a piece of it, just sitting there, and I couldn't help - I knew he didn't know I was coming, but some part of me couldn't help but wonder if it was mine."
"And it was. That's how it happens, sometimes. There's something in our life that we don't even understand, we don't even realize what it is or why we did it - until the right person comes along and fits in all those blank spaces."

Meet me at my window
At my window
I could use a hero right now
You could use someone to save
Someone like me
Someone who's not brave
Someone who's not free

•04 WHO NEEDS AIR [The Classic Crime]

He pulled away and they raced deeper into the water, until Percy caught Nico up against the side of the titanosaur, and his laugh bounced and danced like an anemone. He kissed him until he couldn't breathe, licked at his neck until he could, and kissed the breath out of him again. Nico's hands scrabbled at his sides, trying to reach his weak point, but his skin was too slippery, and he finally gave up and clung to his hips with a death grip.

And I stand alone before the night.
My nakedness is so clear in the glow of the moonlight.
Life is old but so short.
We are young, we want more.
I'm drowning, but I don't care,
'Cause when you got what I got, what I got
Who needs air?

•05 STRANDED [Plumb]

Nico waits at the bottom of the elevator and has a sense of deja vu. He's always waiting for Percy. Percy, going through these arcane changes and baptism by fire (or, you know - invincibility by water, but whatever), and Nico, unchanging, waiting on the shore.

What's coming over you
What's coming over me
I'm crashing like a tidal wave
It drags me out to the sea
I wanna be with you
If you wanna be with me
I'm crashing like a tidal wave
And I don't wanna be stranded.

•06 WALK ON WATER [Basshunter]

A sudden grin jumps to Percy's face. It makes Nico's stomach do a backflip, and it makes his heart beat faster, because maybe - maybe Percy is still under there, somewhere. Then it fades, and he looks serious and a little doubtful. "...I'm invincible," he says, like he can't even believe it himself. "I don't know who I am or what happened to me,
but I'm invincible."

I will never be afraid again
I will keep on fighting till the end
I can walk on water I can fly
I will keep on fighting till I die


Perseus Jackson was made of destiny and star stuff, and Nico wouldn't love him half as much if he were anything less.

When they finally come to destroy the earth
They'll have to go through you first
When they finally come, what'll you do to them?
Gonna decimate them like you did to me?
Will you leave them stunned and stuttering?

•08 FROZEN OCEANS [Shiny Toy Guns]

Nico made himself scarce. It had been months, now, since anyone had really cared about him, and it felt just like That Time, a year or so ago - had he aged a little more with the time jump? Was he a bit older, now? - when he'd had to forge through everything alone, nothing but information and hearsay and endless, endless shadow travel. Begging Percy to listen. Begging Percy to care. When this is all over, I'll tell him, he thought. I'll tell him how I feel. Before something else happens, for it surely will.

Ten thousand miles apart
A frozen ocean joins our hearts
I can't wait to meet you when
The frozen waves meet ocean floors
You'll be standing on the shore
I can't wait to meet you then

•09 NOT ALONE [Sara Bareilles]

He was so tired. He wasn't tired of searching, of constantly using shadow travel - no, that wasn't why. He wasn't tired of a search more worthy than anything he'd ever untaken. But he was tired of being alone. He was tired of not seeing Percy. He missed him. Sometimes he caught himself thinking, Percy would know where to look next, Percy would tell me it gets easier, Percy would love the view. But obviously, Percy wasn't here. That would sort of defeat the purpose. Nico slid down to the ground in a little curl of defeated, broken darkness, let his sword clatter to the stone, and buried his face in his hands. He cried.

You don't have to fight the bad guys
Throwing punches out into the black
If you have to tell me lies, I don't care
Just give me some good back
I don't want to be alone
Sky, don't let the sun go
I'm not ready for the darkness
Swear upon a heartless soul


All she can think of, all she can see, is the look on Nico's face when she told him what had happened - that Percy had just. Disappeared. She's never seen anyone look the way he did, and she has to remind himself that, more than any of them, Nico's had to deal with losing people.

You hold me like a bag of bones
Wrapped up and underground
Pull me out so I can feel
Make me believe that one more night's not a minute too long
When a moment's all I need
I'm walking on air
Close to you
Through a long hallway with a broken light
And I, I need to know
I need to know
If you're still alive

•11 DANTE'S PRAYER [Méav Ní Mhaolchatha]

"I'm sorry about Bianca," he says, and kisses him again, "I'm sorry I didn't trust you in the Underworld," he says, and kisses him again, "I loved seeing you on my balcony, you looked adorable," he says, and kisses him again, "and you were there for me at the riverbank," kiss, "and the Battle of Manhattan," kiss, "and you beat my ass at Soul Calibur and we stayed up 'til dawn, laughing so hard we cried," and this kiss is longer, slower, sweet but all the more heady and intoxicating because of it, "and then I left, and you found me." He finally stops for air and brushs his fingertips through Nico's hair.
"...I'm sorry," he whispers.

Breathe life into this feeble heart
Lift this mortal veil of fear
Take these crumbled hopes, etched with tears
We'll rise above these earthly cares
Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me
Please remember me

•12 TAKEN BY THE SEA [Darren Hayes]

You realize you've met him before. You met him back between doors number two and three, while you were still looking back at door one and trying to understand door two and before door three made you forget everything. He was nothing but a bystander in the hallway that you passed by, unthinking, but now you see it from the bystander's perspective, and the shadow you cast as you walk through the hall is immense. It swallows him up and you're all he knows, for him there is no doors, there is a hallway, with a girl at one end and you at the other and the girl is long gone now. You are all he has. He followed you here, he made his door and opened it in your face to make sure you got the message. He tracked you down. He won't let you leave until you hear him out.
He needs you.

And I want you and that’s so terrifying
And I want you to help put out the fire
Cause I am an island
You are the ocean
And all of my sadness is taken by the sea

•13 WAR [Poets of the Fall]

There were a lot of places they could say it had 'all started' at. For Percy, it was during the battle for Olympus - when he'd looked up and seen Nico arrive and the tides had changed, inside and out. The battle was won; his heart was won over.

When I thought that I fought this war alone
You were there by my side on the front lines
And we fought to believe the impossible
When I thought that I fought this war alone
We were one with our destinies entwined
When I thought that I fought without a cause
You gave me the reason why

•14 OCEANO [Josh Groban]

The sobs shook him like gale winds, but it was a storm without water, a sea temple with no sea god's son and Nico missed him so much, felt capsized and overwhelmed by all the things he wished he could tell him. You're my everything, he would say. I loved you since I met you, even when I hated your guts. I would do anything, anything in the universe, to bring you home.

onde sull'oceano
onde sull'oceano
che dolcemente si plachera
le mie mani stringono
sogni lontanissimi
e il tuo respiro soffia su me
remo, tremo, sento
vento intorno al cuore
e per l'amore che ho per te
che mi fa superare mille tempeste
e per l'amore che ti do
e per l'amore che vorrei
da questo marewaves on the ocean
waves on the ocean
that will gently calm down
my hands hold tight
some faraway dreams
and your breath blows on me
I row, I shake, I feel
a wind around my heart
it's for the love I have for you
that gets me over thousands of storms
it's for the love I give you
and for the love I'd want
from this sea

•15 HARBOR [Vienna Teng]

Not for the glory. Not for the fame. Not with superhuman strength or invincibility, and not even because he's a demigod and he has to fight to survive. Percy is going to save the world, Nico thinks, because he's known more than just cruelty, and he knows that there are some things worth fighting for. "Yeah," he says, and grins in return. "You will. And you know what? When the day's over, you'll come home and we'll fight over the covers and kiss each other good night, and you'll be my hero. And that's all that matters."

You've got a journey to make
There's your horizon to chase
So go far beyond where we stand
No matter the distance
I'm holding your hand
Sail your sea, meet your storm
All I want is to be your harbor
The light in me will guide you home
All I want is to be your harbor

•16 ANYTHING [Mae]

"You, my life, promise that this love of ours between us shall be agreeable and last forever. Great gods, arrange for him to speak the truth, and to say this sincere and from the bottom of his heart, so that it is granted us to continue all our life this treaty of inviolable friendship."

It's the wave I ride that won't ever reach the shore
Overwhelmed by the tide and wanting nothing more
Let me take this time
And make it all mine.

•00 DOWNLOAD [♥ igrab]

percy: TheSands5th
nico: hayatefaith
fics: Samson, If No One Will Listen, All Those Empty Spaces, This Treaty of Inviolable Friendship, Human After All, Time to Say Goodbye, Only One Leads to You, Jump In
claim: waywardmixes round 01

"My whole life revolves around you," Nico said suddenly, into the quiet. He didn't care that he was being mushy - no one was around anyway, and sometimes, only the truth would do. "I can't think of anything significant in my life that didn't happen with you, or because of you, or for you. You're kind of everything to me."

genre: pop, focus: pairing, genre: rock, pairing: percy/nico, fandom: percy jackson and the...

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