Simplicity | Artemis/M'gann

Jan 18, 2011 17:23

title. Simplicity
fandom. Young Justice
pairing. Artemis/M'gann
wordcount. 522
written for. this prompt @ yj_anon_meme
prompt. M'gann/Artemis (Yes, I know we don't even know who Artemis is yet. Feel free to fill in her ID as you please) Artemis is stuck in bed after an injury on a mission and is annoyed with this. M'gann has taken it upon herself to cheer her up. Cuteness ensues. Because the world needs more badass archer girls being cuddled by adorable martians.


The door swooshed open slowly and M'gann leaned around it - just a little, just enough that she could peer at the blond girl in the bed. It was half for safety - Kid Flash had come back from checking up on her earlier with bruises, but then, that could have just been because it was him - and half out of shyness, not sure if she was even really welcome here.

For a long moment, the bedridden young superhero glared, but M'gann held her ground, and after a moment, she sighed and softened.

"Come on in," she muttered.

M'gann skittered in like a nervous colt, dropped her package behind the foot of the bed, and went over to wind her hands in the other girl's and perch lightly beside her hip.

"I'm not going to bite," Artemis was saying, dryly. "I'm just - "

"Frustrated, I know." Then M'gann bit her lip, eyes wide - she hadn't meant to interrupt.

Artemis was already moving on. She never seemed to notice those little things - the clumsiness, the interruptions, the thousand ways that M'gann felt horribly self-conscious about being an outsider and untrained and untested. And not just as a superhero - she was untrained as a person.

But Artemis didn't care. Artemis was bluntly factual, flatly caring, and she didn't waste her time on details. And when she gave M'gann her attention, she gave all of it, and it made her feel beautiful.

"What's that you brought with you?" she asked, raising one eyebrow pointedly at the foot of the bed.

"Oh!" M'gann jumped up and went to get it, more nervous than ever now. "It's - it's not much, I just. I made you some cookies."

The eyebrow climbed higher and a wry smile touched the corner of Artemis's lips. "Are they edible?"

"Artemis!" She fell back into her previous seat, or maybe a little closer, with the basket of very human cookies balanced on her knees. "Of course they are. I was making them for you." She had to finish the thought, though, couldn't pretend that this was all her doing. "...I maybe got Aqualad to help me a little."

Artemis chuckled at that. She reached out - for the cookies, M'gann thought - but then she was grabbing for her hand instead, and pulling her down into more of an embrace. Her lips touched the corners of M'gann's; her uninjured arm wrapped around her shoulders.

"Thanks," she said, and it was at her least talkative that Artemis showed her true colors - the warm and solid heart, the loving simplicity. The others thought her cold and unyielding - M'gann knew the truth. She simply was, and she didn't get lost in the little things, and when something - an injury, a complication, Kid Flash - blocked that simplicity of being, it was then that she locked up, and that was when she needed M'gann the most. To set her back in herself. To remind her of what really mattered.

genre: fluff, fandom: young justice, pairing: artemis/m'gann, fanfiction

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