drabble roundup part 2

May 01, 2010 02:33

Pairing: Spock/McCoy
Wordcount: 200 (100 of direct quote)

"...You gonna debate that, Spock?"

Compassion? Hardly. Logic without compassion is highly destructive, as we have just seen.

"No, doctor. I simply maintain that computers are more efficient than human beings. Not better."

You're so full of crap, Spock.

Illogical. I-

"But which do you prefer to have around?"

...Doctor, you know the answer to that better than anyone.

Some day, Spock, I'll get you to say it. Out loud.

"I presume your question is meant to offer me a choice between machines and human beings." Is that a challenge? "And I believe I've already answered that question."

Christ, Spock, would it kill you to say I love you?

In front of the Captain? Aren't we pretentious.

"I was just tryin' to make conversation, Spock."

Your illogical human need to-


"It would be most interesting to impress your memory engrams on a computer, doctor. The resulting torrential flood of illogic would be most entertaining."

I love you too.


Not in front of the children.

"Mr. Sulu, take us back to the space station. Ahead Warp Factor 2!"

One day. I can promise you that.

I believe I am looking forward to watching you try.

Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Wordcount: 185

"You know, you'd think I'd learn one of these days."

"Yes," Spock agrees, quite logically. "Your past experiences would suggest that, by now, you would know better than to enter the Captain's quarters without knocking."

"Spock, is this really the time-" Kirk's voice was out of breath, completely in contrast to Spock's perfect tones. "-to be arguing? Don't you have better things to... ohhh..."

"I am perfectly capable of multitasking, Captain." He looked back up at McCoy, and raised an eyebrow. "Was there something you needed, Doctor?"

"You know what? It can wait." He shook his head, and turned to go. "On Earth, you know, you're supposed to put a sock on the doorknob. Or a hat."

"As we have no doorknobs-" Spock was blatantly ignoring the way Kirk moaned for him to shut up, "-that would seem to be inconsequential. It is your duty, therefore, to announce your presence before you enter this room."

McCoy rolled his eyes, and left them to it. Spock turned back to Kirk, raising a questioning eyebrow.

He smirked. "Say 'inconsequential' again."

Pairing: (implied) Kirk/Spock
Wordcount: 100


"What is it, Doctor?" He didn't look up from his work.

"...There's a difference between endangering yourself as a good officer, to protect the captain, but another completely to want to give your life for your friend." He turned in his chair, to look at him. "Do you even understand that?"

"I do not," Spock said, his eyes never lifting. "I have never reacted outside the bounds of logic, as you seem to be suggesting."

"...Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. And shut up. I know it's an expression. So do you."

Spock smiled.

Pairing: Pike/Chekov
Wordcount: 100

"Keptin Pike. I've alvays been wery interested in older men."

Pike stopped what he was doing; well, that came out of nowhere. "Ensign Chekov, are you trying to seduce me?"

"Yes, sir." He was calm, as if this was just a normal conversation on any other day.

"...Your direct approach is... 'fascinating'." He shook his head, chuckling.

"I have noticed way you look at me, sir. I was simply implying that your obsession is... wery welcome."

Pike stared for a long minute, then couldn't help but laugh. "All right then, Ensign Chekov. Show me what you can do."

Pairing: Zach/Chris
Wordcount: 100

"Fuck." Zach pretty much looked like he wanted to die in a hole. Chris looked fine. The hell was he thinking; Chris always looked fine. He was Captain Fine. "My head's going to explode."

Karl squeezed Zach's shoulder. "I don't blame you. It'll blow over eventually."

"Will it?" Zach's voice cracked. "Karl, I can't do this. I'm going crazy."

Karl moved as Chris came over, put his hands on Zach's shoulders, his cheeks, pull his face up to kiss it all better.

You're not crazy, Karl thought warmly. You're invincible.

Pairing: Karl/Anton
Wordcount: 100


Karl almost jumped when he felt weight on his back, even when he knew who it was, recognized the looping monkey arms and the shivery breath against his neck. Anton was always worked up about something. Karl still wondered if he could keep putting up with it.

"Zach and Chris?"

"Don't tell me you didn't know."

"Oh, I knew. I'm just wondering who's going to be next."

There was a hinted suggestion there, and Karl didn't know whether it scared him or not.

"...Don't even think about it, Anton."

"Too late. Already thought."

rpf: star trek, pairing: chris/zach, fandom: star trek, pairing: spock/mccoy, drabble, pairing: kirk/spock

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