Predictable [Peter/Neal, PG-13]

Apr 15, 2010 14:56

Title: Predictable
Author: igrab
Pairing: Peter/Neal (/El implied)
Written For: flynn_boyant
Wordcount: 635
Rating: PG-13

Peter mentally slapped a hand to his forehead - an often enough occurrence, when dealing with Neal Caffery.

"You set off the alarm for this?"

It was an old library, all dusty and brown and mostly-deserted. He found Neal with his feet up on a table, ankles crossed - GPS tracker winking an angry red - and nearly hidden behind stacks and stacks of books. He had to lean to one side in a fancy gymnastic feat to even catch sight of Neal's face, and when he did, he wasn't surprised at all that he was waiting, eyes wide.

"No, seriously, Neal. This is ridiculous. The whole point of a boundary is that you don't cross it, and I don't have to worry about you every goddamn second." No, he was not happy about this. He was not happy because he'd just finished dinner, and a free evening that coincided with a free evening of El's was rare enough lately to be fiercely anticipated.

Neal's eyes flicked around, taking in the rest of the room. "Just you, then?"

His lips thinned. "No, I brought an army," he drawled sarcastically. "What did you expect?" He knew, with something like a sinking feeling, that Neal would see through the edge instantly. Yes, he'd come alone. He'd come alone because he trusted Neal, strangely enough, and he'd set the tracker off for a reason but if he hadn't wanted to be caught, they wouldn't be here like this.

It was almost like Neal saying, come see me, in his own kind of way.

"You should bring Elizabeth, next time."

"Next time?" Peter said, incredulous. "No, Neal, there will not be a 'next time', and I don't even know why you're here."

That was when he moved. Shifted, until he could rest his chin on the top of the stack of books, and Peter realized - with a jarring like discontinuity, like everything had shifted two paces to the left - that Neal's shirt was undone.

"You're so predictable." That wasn't an answer at all, damnit, but he felt his ears heating in embarrassment nonetheless. Most days, he was proud of that fact, but Neal had such a strange effect on him - fizzy and jealous, and he could never pinpoint what, exactly. "Like a dog."

"I'm not -"

Neal crooked his finger in a come-hither gesture, and Peter found himself moving before he could even think about it.

"Next time," and he reached out and wrapped a hand around Peter's tie - the tie he had fully planned for El to use against him, but Neal ruined all the best plans - and pulled him smoothly close, "bring your wife. She catches on faster than you do."

He leaned up even more to hover his mouth over Peter's, and that's when it suddenly struck him that Neal's pants were undone, as well.

That thought was enough to make his brain stutter, badly - and in that moment of vulnerability Neal struck, closed the last inch, everything clicked into place in Peter's head and he really should have known, should have suspected. Neal did everything for a reason, and he had to know the Burkes' schedule by now. He knew the kind of trouble he'd gone out to cause.

He sighed, then, and leaned fully into the kiss. He never could deny Neal anything, could he? He was really so predictable.

But, for some unfathomable reason, Neal kept reeling him in, again and again. Like he was somehow fascinating, somehow good enough to waste his time on.

It wouldn't last. But until then, he'd take what he could get.

fandom: white collar, drabble, pairing: peter/neal/el, rating: pg-13

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