So Be It [Achilles/Patroclus, PG]

Feb 23, 2010 18:33

Title: So Be It
Author: igrab
Pairing: Achilles/Patroclus
Wordcount: 575
Rating: PG
Notes: movie!versions, except established relationship because fuck that cousin shit, seriously.

He stumbles back from his meeting with Thetis knowing two very unrelated things. They are going to Troy, and he absolutely hates this new necklace.

He loves his mother, really he does (well, sort of - when she isn't being presumptuous, or cryptic, or mopey - which doesn't leave much time at all), but he doesn't see the point of trinkets, least of all a new necklace when he's already got one. It isn't even the right style - much too, too something, there's too many shells and it won't hang right on his armor. Not that he ever considered wearing it. Because that would've meant he liked it. And he didn't.

Patroclus is there before he's even reached the door of their villa, and he raises an eyebrow at the darkly puzzled look on Achilles's face. "So."

He flops down into a chair and spreads himself out, one elbow on the table, cocking a grin at the younger man. "So."


And he's only dragging it out because he knows what's coming, and he's going to box up Patroclus's reaction and save it in his heart for - for however long he has left. "So."

"Achilles," he murmurs, all but falling into his lap and pressing kisses to his cheeks. "Come on, tell me."

"Oh I don't know, you seem to know so much already."

"I want to hear it. Please?"

Achilles looks at him then, blue eyes meeting bluer, and he can't resist it, can't resist him. "We're going to Troy."

"Yes!" He doesn't quite leap up, but he jumps like a skittish colt, and then bounces back with his arms around Achilles's neck and kisses him until he sees stars. "I knew it."

"I know you knew it," he points out.

"You wanted to tell me, I know you did." And that, too, is the truth.

But Achilles distracts him, because if they get into why he changed his mind, he'll never be able to keep his mouth shut, and he absolutely cannot let Patroclus know. "I brought you something." He dangles the necklace in Patroclus's face, hitting his nose until it scrunches and he laughs.

"It's from your mother."

"It's for you."

He watches the slow play of emotions across his face - doubt, a spark of hunger, the sharp pure delight of receiving, and then the parted lips as he wrestles it all back, pushes himself into a sweet, entreating smile. "You shouldn't be giving this away," he murmurs.

"Are you going to wear it or not?" He won't refuse, they both know it, Achilles can't resist and Patroclus can't refuse.

He bites the edge of his lip in a terribly endearing way. "Of course."

"Good." Achilles fastens the clasp around his neck.



"So be it."

They almost-laugh, and he flicks his eyes up and down the lithe body sprawled on his lap. "It looks good on you." Patroclus reddens, predictably.


"Come here." And he grabs the necklace and tugs him forward - gently, he knows how fragile it is - but Patroclus comes willingly, and they kiss deeply, until Achilles can feel it in the base of his spine and down to the tips of his toes.

if you liked that, try these:
The Thunderer . Our Ocean

pairing: achilles/patroclus, rating: pg, fandom: troy, drabble

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