drabble roundup: christmas 2011

Jan 27, 2014 01:06

Flour and Sugar
Dilan, Xehanort, Braig, Even [Kingdom Hearts, Radiant Heights 'verse]

Xehanort's latest obsession was baking.

This would have been much better if he'd actually been any good at it. Artistic endeavors, he was a god. Photography, dance, poetry, sculpture, you name it, he could do it. But not baking. It wasn't so much an art as a science, and while theoretical science was right up Nort's alley, the actual mathematics of it was alien language.

This frustrated Dilan to no end, since up until Nort had got it in his head that he liked baking, it had been Dilan's sole territory. Nort absolutely refused help, so they had to take the kitchenette in rotations, or else Dilan started eyeing pointy objects and Nort started eyeing random bottles of food coloring.

Come Christmas, this became an absolute clusterfuck.

Even and Braig generally kept away from the war zone. Braig was the only one who could tolerate Nort's cookies, and Even only liked the plainer of Dilan's, so they really only appeared when it was taste test time and someone needed to start boxing. Last year, that had been Nort's job. He'd been in a bit of a wrapping funk, though that came and went according to the holidays, and he'd still been on the tail end of his pottery phase, so everyone received their cookies in gorgeous hand-glazed jars. This year, it was plastic tupperware and the questionable wrapping skills of Braig and Even.

Nort cookies for Lae and Myde. Dilan cookies for Ienzo. Nort cookies for Roxas, Dilan cookies for Rould, Nort for Relena and Lu and the richest triple chocolate Dilan fudge for Isa. At least the one thing Dilan and Nort could agree upon was that Nort was senior decorator, and if this year's Christmas cookies were boxed much less elaborately, the works of sugar-spun art inside more than made up for it.

And he'd be done with baking soon enough anyway. He did like the decorating, though. Perhaps he'd try his hand at cakes?

Candy Stockings
Percy/Nico/Bianca [Percy Jackson]

She stood on her tiptoes to place the star on the top of the tree, her short skirt riding far too high up her thighs and those candy-cane socks lit bright from the tangled lights at her feet. They had far too many lights, somehow, but it was better this way, and if Nico had his way, the whole apartment would be draped in those tiny sparks of white gold.

He caught Percy staring and they both grinned, Nico knowingly and Percy rueful. They hadn't quite talked about this, about whatever they were, and Nico and Bianca were siblings except they'd always been something a little more, and Percy and Nico were best friends and soulmates and greek-style lovers, and Percy and Bianca were dating. None of those things on their own quite said enough, though, and none of it really worked unless they were all together.

It was Percy who would walk up behind her and slide his hands under the edge of her skirt, Percy who would kiss her neck until she was entirely distracted from trimming the tree. But it would be Nico that slid her socks off with long, caressing fingers, and it would be Nico that held her there as Percy pulled her dress off entirely. They fit, you see, and while Nico would never give her the same sort of love that Percy did, he was a part of it, and none of the corresponding pieces were anything like the whole.

Sharing Heat
Sherlock/John [Sherlock BBC]

"I thought you said you don't cuddle."

"I don't."

"What d'you call this, then?"

"...Double occupancy of a strategic space."




Sherlock raised an eyebrow. "I know that tone. You're just humoring me. It's only a word, made up of bits of other words and passed down through the generations, picking up connotations like dust balls. I don't cuddle. I do, however, have no problems with sharing an armchair with certain daft doctors for the purposes of sharing heat, thank you."

It was plenty warm at 221b Baker Street, but John figured he'd let the matter drop.

fandom: sherlock 2010, fandom: percy jackson and the..., fandom: kingdom hearts, au: radiant heights, pairing: percy/bianca/nico, pairing: sherlock/john, drabble

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