Jun 25, 2010 17:09
[Greed's video start didn't have an accidental on it. This was entirely with purpose.]
My younger brother, Envy, is gone. I don't much give a fuck where he's gone, who did it -or how. What I want to know is why I found this on his PCD.
[Greed held up -presumably- Envy's PCD, the picture on pause. The frame was Envy and Greed shoved it closer to the Camera on his own PCD then hit play.]
[The video clicked on to Envy grinning like a shark, his chin rested on one hand, his elbow propped on the table. His focus was on the camera and when he was sure it was recording, his grin curled further]
Good evening, darlings~ I take a vast amount of enjoyment watching you go at each other's throats from a simple little shooting. Humanity constantly proves to be amusing, as you all leap to pin blame and point fingers on the opposition.
[He sighed, his head tilting a bit, the grin still on his face]
But we all know there's only one conclusion. I see your simple little minds working towards it, slowly but surely, like the little tortoises you are.
[He raised a finger and thumb in a 'gun' position and pointed it to his own head]
Of course I did it~ I must admit, I missed, as I was attempting to kill the little ankle biter. [A sigh, amused and short] Ah well~ There's always another time~
Ah yes~ As much as you'll be wishing me dead now, know that I didn't act this time to simply amuse myself. I was under orders.
[His grin widened, twisting a bit. His teeth were flat like a humans but that didn't stop the grin from being menacing]
Sorry, Aizen, you no longer amuse me, so I'm ratting you out~
[With that, Envy reached out and clicked the video off]
[Greed pulled the PCD away from the screen and never has he looked so ....displeased, since he got here. Even when Envy blew his brains literally out, he had never been so angry. His teeth clenched quite tightly, he hissed out an angry end to the video.]
Thought you should know.
[That said, his hand came down hard on his PCD to shut it off with a loud bang.]
*open to anyone