Note to Zuko, carried with some effort, by Pig

Apr 13, 2006 09:21


Hey, Hotpants. Miss you.
Meeting and council went well enough. Most people turned up. Got a few ideas, but the best eons were about the apartment building rather than rescue plans. Full report attached.
Most interesting points was the building of the community apart from the defences. Entertainment committee being built up. I didn't know we had a school room. Lots of things for the non-fighters to be getting on with. Nearly have a proper community here.

One thing though.

I have to tell you

Biggest incident so far was with Katara. She tried to make a break for it, apparently, get back to Harth and use sex to get him to release people. She was stopped in time but there's no way of telling if she'll do that again. Sokka's not taking it well, pissed, lost, hurt by it all.
She went to the redhead Natalie for advice about that kind of thing. She tried to talk her out of it, but didn't tell anyone until Katara had already left. She was stopped in time, but I lost my temper at Natalie when I found out. Broke her wrist.
Apologised later, because it's all my fault. I don't know what she'll do from there.
No excuse there, I was just mad. Sorry, I've let you down.

Love you. Miss you.


P.S. That Japanese girl I mentioned before? Kind of follows me around sometimes. But she carries swords and is confident. We may have a new fighter here.

Attached are summaries of the meetings written out in Fire Nation script, which form the bulk of the delivery and have cause the tiny owl some trouble.

*His name is written in the Fire Nation script, in a careful and inexperienced hand. And it's only from context that it can be distinguished from something insulting.
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