Nov 14, 2004 16:26
1. Ever dated someone younger than you?
A. ew, hell no!
2. having.
3. Ever been drunk?
A. every day
4. Do you smoke?
A. of course darling.
5. Been in love?
A. i am in love. and once before i thought i was in love, but i came to the conclusion that sex is not love.
6. Loved someone whom you knew you couldn't have?
A. yes, same man (little boy)
7. Gotten in a car accident?
A. yeah, that shit was gay.
8. Had your heart broken?
A. many a time
9. Cheated on someone?
A. yes, but i was drunk and pissed off.
10. Been cheated on?
A. yes, that hurts a lot, so i did it back to him, only i was drunk and pissed off.
11. Last time you cried?
A. today. dude, i watched my girl, and that one kid got stung by bees and died. how can you not cry when that happens?
12. Last time you laughed?
A. just now after reading what i wrote for the last question.
13. What age do you see yourself getting married at?
A. never. i think marriage is stupid. if you want to be with someone forever, then be with them forever.
14. Describe your dream wedding.
A. a funeral.
15. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
A. no, those things live in my closet.
16. If you could dye your hair with one color, what would it be?
A. blonde, but i would look shitty. im too fucking mexican.
17. Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork?
18. Would you rather give or receive?
A. what like oral?
19. Where and how many homes have you lived in?
A. i have lived in too many places, and i dont really feel ike talking about them. they were shitty.
20. Do you play any musical instruments?
A. no, but i wish i played the drums.
21. One or two pillows?
A. a body.
22. Do you get along with your parents?
A. is this a trick question?
23. Do you drive?
A. no
24. Whats your favorite color?
A. negro
25. Do you work?
A. do you even know who i am? wtf kind of question is that? oh yeah, i clean my dad's house, i forgot.
26. What are your favorite dishes?
A. the clean kind. jslashk. i like sushi and taco bell.
27. Who was your first crush?
A. this boy named keith in pre-school
28. Are you the romantic type?
A. it depends. im usually kinky. does that count?
29. Are you in love right now?
A. yes, very deeply.
30. Are you happy?
A. no, there isn't anything to be happy about.
31. What are you going to do after this?
A. drink
32. Do you sleep naked?
A. of course. so always knock!
33. Favorite Soda?
A. dr. pepper