I made a contribution in science!

Jan 18, 2007 11:08

First PubMed article!  Maybe I should pursue science after all . . . . . um . . . . no . . . . . :)~

I'm finally closing up some stuff here in the lab - however my boss has all of these ridiculous demands.  I don't know how I'm suppose to finish all of this in a month...

Met up with Elinor (girl whom I met through NIH singing group) and had dinner with her at DC's Cafe Asia.  After arriving home, I talked to Guanqiao for nearly three hours about his life crisis.  After talking to them I realized that my desire to go to Graduate school may come into fruition sooner than I thought . . . just as long as I put my mind into it.

The next six months are gonna be rough...don't even know if I'll have time to socialize :(
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